Is it wrong to hope that eventually all religions are relegated to the abysmal state of ‘smoking areas’?
A place for practitioners of once popular pastimes, corralled in ever-decreasing anonymous steel boxes, puffing out their final prayers for no one to hear.
Mostly sarcasm - but with the amount of radical fundamentalism going around I wouldn’t be opposed.
All of a sudden, the king and queen were right there, so close to us that we could have been looking at them from the far end of a pub. “Not my king!” everyone shouted. Stumped for a response, King Charles waved at us. The funny thing is, we all waved back. Nobody means him any harm.
Speaking as a resident of this sceptre isle, I’m not sure British bigots give a flying toss about ‘evangelical christianity.’ I think that is particular to the US rather than the UK. Our homegrown bigots have decidedly less ‘lofty’ concerns.
Back when I believed, my CofE church was taken over by evangelicals. What was once a generally accepting space became obsessed with the gay agenda. They didn’t care about abortion back then, but for all I know they are part of the anti abortion movement now. I left when they started handing out cultish propaganda that made Chick Tracts look good.
Interestingly, a lot of the elderly churchgoers found new churches around that time too. What was left was the evangelical core who were around 40-60, and their children.
The church is still running, and still in the Evangelical Alliance.
Dear Lord, every time I think this country has scraped the barrel of autosatire, it manages to outdo itself. You’re right - and I have a horrible suspicion that Bristol Airport is quietly patting itself on the back for such a forward thinking gesture.