Bristol Airport's new multi faith shed is the zenith of contemporary British culture

Is it wrong to hope that eventually all religions are relegated to the abysmal state of ‘smoking areas’?

A place for practitioners of once popular pastimes, corralled in ever-decreasing anonymous steel boxes, puffing out their final prayers for no one to hear.

Mostly sarcasm - but with the amount of radical fundamentalism going around I wouldn’t be opposed.



…There was also a pargraph near the end of this article on the UK’s republican movement which had me thinking ‘this seems like a Very British Thing’:

All of a sudden, the king and queen were right there, so close to us that we could have been looking at them from the far end of a pub. “Not my king!” everyone shouted. Stumped for a response, King Charles waved at us. The funny thing is, we all waved back. Nobody means him any harm.

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I would guess to stop some one driving their car into it, ether on accident or on purpose…

Speaking as a resident of this sceptre isle, I’m not sure British bigots give a flying toss about ‘evangelical christianity.’ I think that is particular to the US rather than the UK. Our homegrown bigots have decidedly less ‘lofty’ concerns.


I am sure many of us have muttered a brief request while collecting relatives from an airport.



Back when I believed, my CofE church was taken over by evangelicals. What was once a generally accepting space became obsessed with the gay agenda. They didn’t care about abortion back then, but for all I know they are part of the anti abortion movement now. I left when they started handing out cultish propaganda that made Chick Tracts look good.

Interestingly, a lot of the elderly churchgoers found new churches around that time too. What was left was the evangelical core who were around 40-60, and their children.

The church is still running, and still in the Evangelical Alliance.

And yet it is real.

And was Jerusalem builded here, among these dark Satanic mills?
… or something


Smokers of different faiths must not mix their smoky exhalations!

Monotheists? Nobody wants to mix with them!

But will the hard and soft polytheists inevitably come to blows if forced to share the same space?

And @hecep is today’s clear internet winner

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The Office Yes GIF

maybe stop letting a radical fringe of assholes speak for the whole of an entire group maybe?

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Dear Lord, every time I think this country has scraped the barrel of autosatire, it manages to outdo itself. You’re right - and I have a horrible suspicion that Bristol Airport is quietly patting itself on the back for such a forward thinking gesture.

I look forward to the inevitable news that Swindon Council has opened a childrens’ playground in the middle of the Magic Roundabout.

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Quite so! Not like England invited the Pilgrims to stay.

Right. I’m asking if they’re always there or if they were added when it was converted to a “faith shed”.

FD: Also… I’m an atheist!

There are worse authorities in England


I’m sure that the Tories are seriously considering making this a law.


I was very sure this was satire. I’ll keep an eye out for it next time I fly though.

Yep, they specifically mention that it is marked. Bristol Airport gets a lot of cloud (it’s in basically the worst spot near Bristol for weather)

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