British railway guard kicks racist off train

he would definitely be disbarred in the US if living in NY. who knows if he would get a raise in a southern state (or perhaps a reluctant slap on the wrist for optics…

if you read some of the comment sections in less savory (more Trumpy/Brexity online venues)…most people are (1) complaining of unequal treatment…where it is ok for us to show antipathy here for a white miscreant, but, they say “oh noes” if the man had been a minority…[this doesn’t make sense to me…if the man had been a minority and the woman white…he would have been shot…just my opinion]; (2) why are we “snowflakes” always making such a big deal out of everything…the man was obviously drunk. [I say this is no excuse…or if it is an excuse for him…it is definitely not an excuse for no one in the car to help her and her small child].

I am sorry folks … I think the majority feels like this man inside and are just scared to talk. In which case…like Aziz Ansari recently said on SNL… all such people, please go back to pretending you are not racist.


To be the pedantic one here :wink: , quite a few of the companies are state owned, just foriegn state-owned.

Which is one of the biggest absurdaties in our mess of a railway system: Our government has no issue at all with state owned rail companies, just as long as said state is not the UK :rolling_eyes:


True! I apologize to the tramp and the fox…



What’s so weird is: thats his very own Twitter account photo.
He chose that for himself! It’s probably the most flattering photo he’s got?


@GagHalfrunt Oh, that’s very true.

We started with shorter franchises to make the initial risk/money outlay to the companies seem less and thus more attractive - and also give them to be more efficient, as they only had a minimum window to make profit, and were easier to replace.

Now that we’ve realised that stability in the franchises helps both the franchises and the customers (more long term profits, thus potential franchises likely to bid, plus more likely to take medium-term repair planning/maintenance, as they’ll still be ‘holding the can’ when things fall apart.)

I happily admit that cases like the one where South West Trains bought dilapidated rolling stock from Southern and kinda forgot to do all the essential renovation they promised, for a year(?) we’re caused by franchises owning stock.
OTOH, renting ends us with the aforementioned Pacers.

All the individual bits of the system make sense in macro scale, based on the overall way the privatisation was designed, (it’s not just ‘crazy for the sake of crazy’, and I apologise if I gave that impression) it’s only when you ‘zoom-out’ that I feel that the full splendour is revealed. :slight_smile:

@GilbertWham Indeed. Pacers (in their living death of disrepair) are awful. Zombie trains?

@failquail Oh informative pedantry is fine with me - as a rule I want to be correct about what I know - and yes, other European countries’ rail systems part-run our privatised companies, and take the profit to support their own (much cheaper at point-of-use) nationalised systems.

It’s awfully philanthropic of our country to support them like that.

[Edit: As as I’m dragging-out what was originally just background context/whimsey, I’m sitting back a bit rather than becoming a grumbly sidetracker about a subject which vexes me :slight_smile:]


I think there is a bit of bystander effect when these things happen.


What do you mean, no chin? He’s got two. Yes, they are retreating like a turtle in its shell, but to be fair it was probably cold…


They’re not “the majority.” I believe that for every spineless bigot, there are 2 or 3 decent people who don’t let their biases rule them.


I was just thinking that that picture would look better with a black eye and some bruises.


Good news? Yes, but this guy is a known clown, easy to spot, down to the compulsory Faragista ugly-pinstripe suit.

You can bet your ass that a lot of current British ministers and spads carry the exact same views; they are just smart enough to cover them up for personal profit. They will not be caught out by a bit of extra Moët. Keep up the resistance!


Hope somebody buys that guard a drink! BRAVO.


Right now, I really need to believe that.


That is definitely the face of a man who distributes circus flyers for a living and was kicked off the Newcastle Metro for being a drunken belligerent racist.

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Yes, and i agree with this. He didn’t play by the rules, so he’s out on his ass. Just common sense.

A more hardcore libertarian position would be to ask why if he were such a big important man, why is he taking the train with the plebs?

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His family tree is braided.


Someone who looks like this can pretty much only menace 4-year-olds:


What I find sad is that this is something so uncommon as to be considered newsworthy.

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Britain to U.S. – wherever did you learn your horrid racism?
U.S. to Britain – I learned it by watching you, dad!
Voiceover – Nations who profit from racism have colonies who profit from racism.


You’re not the only one; if I didn’t, there would be no point in getting up every day.