British railway guard kicks racist off train


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Do they all have rumpled pocket handkerchiefs with a loose thread stuck in the lapel buttonhole? I thought these people were supposed to be nattily dressed. I bet there’s gobs of boogers in that thing.


It’s hard not to feel sorry for the guy, just looking at that. He looks weak and afraid. That’s how the public should imagine Nazis.

This article makes an interesting argument to that effect:

It’s not the punching part that’s important as much the author’s reasoning—they need to be disarmed of that air of impenetrability that they try so hard to cultivate.



That’s not a loose thread, it’s a security measure. Don’t you know how often the lower orders try to steal?


We need alcohol.

No kidding.


Sometimes the ilk makes it really easy to differentiate between those that are ilk and those that are kin.

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Wow. How brave. Honestly. Trump could (and is likely to) label you a terrorist for doing that, since it resists his plans for america.

Also: fuck nazis. They are not victims. They have chosen to participate in organizations that officially say that anyone who isn’t a white heterosexual is “lesser than” themselves. They can all suffer for their stupid choices. They can change affiliation if they are uncomfortable with being hated for discriminating against and hurting people who have no choices for their appearance under any circumstance.


Lets hope so.

Honesty, he looks like he was hand-picked by the racist ass movement for the role.

In today’s world, he’ll do the chat show rounds and make a few quid before disappearing into quiet obscurity.

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Someone too thick to realise that she, too, was a lawyer. It’s poetic justice really.

But I am told by an extremely reliable source that this kind of attitude is common among white, male privately educated lawyers, who also get extremely angry if they lose a case to a woman.

Won’t happen; he’s a solicitor and will only appear in low level cases.


[quote=“Archon, post:24, topic:94416, full:true”]
The train companies are all (currently) private, not state owned, - as are the trains. (Sure, a lot of them are rented (!) but they’re still let by a private company (Seem needlessly convoluted yet? It will…)) so even if you assume free speech in the US sense, the trains are private property.[/quote]
The reason why train operating companies lease rolling stock is that the service life is usually around thirty to forty or more years, much longer than a franchise term. Owning trains outright is too much of a risk since there’s no guarantee that you will win the franchise again. If you do lose the franchise, the winning bidder will have had to find an alternative source of rolling stock, since they cannot assume that you will make your surplus trains available to them…

(When the franchising system began, franchises were IIRC no longer than seven years, but they’ve become longer since then.)


It also means we’ve had the same shitty, stop-gap trains made out of bits of old buses and misplaced optimism for decades. I fucking hate Pacers.


It was a first-class carriage. Try it on the Newcastle Metro and see what happens.


I hope the fuckwad was actually physically thrown off.

Maybe it’s too much to ask that he skinned his chin on the fucking pavement.

I also hope the whole train laughed at him contemptuously and applauded.


Geordie cheers when an arsehole gets his comeuppance are indeed raucous. And nazis are regularly outnumbered whenever they congregate, rest assured :slight_smile:


Someone who doesn’t see a woman with a child, and instead sees “foreigners” when people look a bit different.

And hopefully, this isn’t the end of the line for this pathetic small-minded idiot. A case like this should result in him being struck off by the Law Society, which would end his career.


You restored my faith in Brits! :uk:


Let me de-restore it.
A friend of ours has just discovered that her mother is a Trump supporter because “he tells it like it is”.
I’m afraid that 52% of our voters are pretty thick, whereas only around 49% of US voters seem to be.


absolutely right. the part that really distresses me is that the 30-or-so people in the car said and did nothing to help them. I wonder if she had been a white woman and child what would have happened. it is like the majority of people there didn’t see her as more that sub-human. is that what most white people think? if that is not so (I hope not…I feel not…) then while people need to start standing up for humanity in such vulnerable situations.