Brooklyn College prof: boys aren't men unless they sexually assault someone at school

Thanks for that. It was driving me crazy trying to remember his name.


Sorvino’s a better 1:1 resemblance, certainly, but I’m asking you to consider the bloaty Ray Liotta of about 10 years ago, before he told the plastic surgeon to give him a Hasslehoff. Then cross-breed him with a diseased tuberous vegetable that’s been left out in the sun.


It would be great if it worked that way! Sadly, my experience of professors screaming about academic freedom is more along the lines of rallying to the defense of someone who made similar statements in a national industry publication, or retaining a known and vocal Holocaust denier because his repulsive views are unrelated to his academic discipline. So it seems we’re operating from different textbooks. I didn’t say I liked mine, just that it’s my observed experience of how academia works.

(As a more personal example, I worked in the marketing department of a higher education institution and we were literally unable to implement even the most basic institutional social media policy because of pushback from faculty concerned that our nefarious plan to make official accounts use the proper university logo and have some PR oversight would somehow infringe upon their academic freedom, despite the fact that it had nothing to do with personal social media accounts not bearing the university name. Faculty defend their so-called academic freedom rights every bit as rabidly as the slimiest alt-right trolley, but in real life at their actual place of work rather than just on twitter.)

One would hope.

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Mum yeah because they considered such behavior as infringing on their property rights. Not because they respected women… so might not be best anecdote here


I never played spin the bottle in high school.

Nor did I snap the bra straps of my female friends. Or try to grope them. Those friendships are still intact after 20 years.

Guys who I am still friends with did some of those things. Their female friendships from back then did not survive, but they did eventually grow up and regret their actions.


Regardless of whether it’s in-field or extracurricular ‘moral turpitude’ is pretty commonly stated to be grounds for termination. Actually firing the morally turpitudinous seems to be a lot rarer than writing that option into the contract; but it is very commonly there.

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No, I don’t really.
I just want him to stop encouraging some students to rape other students.

Also, I would like to ask him if male students raping other male students will make them men.


Here’s a link to the college’s web site contacts page. If you are concerned about the content of Professor Langbert’s blog post, you may want to drop them a note through the General Inquires link, or maybe the HR Services Office link further down the page.

And from the college’s Wikipedia page it appears that Bernie Sanders and Barbara Boxer are both distinguished alumni. You may want to reach out to them and see if they would be willing to encourage the administration to take a closer look at the content of Professor Langbert’s statements and consider appropriate disciplinary action.


Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I’ve played spin the bottle, but I never forced anyone to play it with me.


Add this:


It doesn’t or shouldn’t include ADVOCATING FOR SEXUAL ABUSE.

Is the entire country taking crazy pills? Do we really care so little about sexual abuse?


if that’s what being a man is, i renounce any pretense that i ever was one.


Don’t judge Beau at first glance:


who looks like a cross between Ray Liotta and an angry fermented potato.

Except, Ray Liotta himself looks like a cross between Ray Liotta and an angry fermented potato.

PIcture: Copyright © 2018 CHANTIX® and Pfizer, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Get well soon, Ray. And maybe ease up on the Botox? BOTOX® Copyright © 2018 Allergan. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


As former faculty myself (though not at that school), I’d be tempted to file a mandated reporter complaint against him just in case he’s come into contact with any first-year students under the age of 18.


Yes! People keep getting academic freedom wrong. Academic freedom is the freedom to learn and the freedom to teach. So it covers what you can research and publish about your research, whether it’s popular or not, and how you choose to present your field to students. If I’m teaching Ginsberg, I can say “fuck” in class. That’s academic freedom. I can, as a scholar of literature and language, do a stylistic analysis of some gay porn and publish it: that’s academic freedom. But if I start in on calling people sissies and how women should be assaulted and so on, that’s outside my area and covers neither the freedom to learn (i.e., research) or the freedom to teach (i.e., there’s no pedagogical value in that shit). It’s not the freedom to be a total shitstain or to say any damnfool thing that comes into one’s head without consequences. Even professors who should know better treat it like it’s diplomatic immunity or something.


Brooklyn College is part of the City University of New York, a large public university (public school in the US means publicly funded). Here is an analysis of an unrelated case that goes point-by-point through the legality of firing a public school professor for their speech.

IANAL, but incitement violence may fall under true threats. Clearly this shitstain is implicitly inciting violence against women through his bullshit false equivalences and deliberate misunderstanding of consent. Whether a court of law would agree, I don’t know, but I damn well hope so.

If I had to guess, their best chance of firing him for this would be to show he disrupted the workplace by demonstrating in a public forum that he doesn’t understand consent and endorses sexual assault.

If claiming satire as a defense were a panacea against being held responsible for the consequences of one’s speech, then there would be nothing one could not say, which is absurd. Even if his rape apologia wasn’t transparently not satire (it has none of the hallmarks of satire), his other writings show he is lying in his claim of satire. Therefore he is sincere.

Of course the college administration has to want to fire him or otherwise discipline him for his disruptive speech, and that depends in part on what kind of people they are and whether he has tenure. This would be an excellent time for the student body and faculty allies to organize protests, demonstrating the hostile work and educational environment he’s fostering by apologizing for sexual assault and ignoring consent.

TL;DR - I don’t know if they’ll can him for this, but a system that fails to fire a professor who endorses sexual assault and warps the meaning of consent is a broken system.


The Democrats have become a party of tutu-wearing pansies, totalitarian sissies who lack virility, a sense of decency… (assorted other shit that spilled out of this man’s mouth hole)

Sexual assault = decency. Republican logic, folks.

EDIT: Republican Libertarian logic, folks.
Or fuck it, logic.


I work for CUNY and get mandated sexual harrassment trainings a couple times a year. The stuff they warn you against doing/saying is way milder than this shit. You can fire people from CUNY, it just has to be very well documented (sexual harrassment training are more of a “well, now you can’t say we didn’t warn you” than actual valuable information…) Luckily this assclown is doing most of the documenting his own damn self. CUNY’s been going throught some financial scandals (for CUNY big, but laughable compared to the everyday fraud this guy’s students will go in to routinely commit) and even withbthat thebfirings have been pretty precise and carefully investigated.


Man, you were unlucky, I remember it like this (the one time I was with the group that played it camping):

Cute girl that I never imagined that quiet dorky me would ever have a chance with spins bottle.
Bottle points to dorky uncool me.
Everyone else laughs.
Cute girl smiles and without hesitation leans over and plants a big one on my cheek.
I’m immediately flustered as everyone else hoots like howler monkeys, and I honestly can’t remember much except hot cheeks and the world’s biggest shit eating grin for the rest of the week.

Nope, no assault there that I can recall.
Guess I’m also “not a man”. Oh well, I think my singular experience with spin the bottle was quite nice.