Butter emails - the double standard that women in politics must be held to

Have we had such lengthy discussions about a PS who was a man who was respected but made one comment that disappointed a fan who called him OUR?

If not, there might be a double standard in play. We certainly haven’t expressed feeling disappointment to that degree. Or expressed some kind of ownership of the person. She’s not OUR anything. Let her down off your pedestal. Her feet get sore balancing up there.



Really, how many times do people have to say this before we’re all done with it?

Sean Spicer lied to the world for Trump every day

Jen Psaki said a true thing (home tests are not currently free) that somebody didn’t like, and people who hate Biden and/or women can’t think of anything else about her to complain about


So did S’uckabees and McEnany, for that matter.


Once? The “Watch Jen get groovy” post was literally the first post about Psaki since she said it.

Jen Psaki said a true thing (home tests are not currently free) that somebody didn’t like, and people who hate Biden and/or women can’t think of anything else about her to complain about

Also people who like Biden and women and don’t have anything else about her to complain about and aren’t trying to find anything else about her to complain about.

The haters already made plenty of noise about it

The fact it wasn’t covered at Boing Boing was a feature, not a bug

If you’re repeating a misogynistic talking point, people don’t care whether misogyny is the secret motivation in your inner heart of hearts or not


Showtime Lol GIF by Desus & Mero

Trump Poop GIF by MOODMAN


How else would you shorten ‘Sanders-Huckabees?’

Not my fault that she chose to hyphenate in such an unfortunate manner…


Umm, y’all? It was Mara Liasson with NPR and it was clearly asked in good faith -

“Quick question on testing, last week obviously the president explained some ramp up in testing,” she said. “But there are still a lot of countries like Germany, the UK, and South Korea that basically have massive testing, free of charge or for a nominal fee. Why can’t that be done in the United States?” she asked.

Psaki responded by detailing the upcoming plan to allow folks to get their insurers to reimburse them after they purchase the tests and Liasson responded

“That’s kind of complicated, though,” Liasson noted. “Why not just make them free and give them out to — and have them available everywhere?”

To which Psaki replied, “Should we just send one to every American?”

Mara Liasson is a Fox News employee.


Oh, I see where the confusion could’ve come in then. She’s a contributor for Fox News but her full time gig is

Mara Liasson, National Political Correspondent for NPR, has reported on White House press briefings for three administrations

No. The confusion is more obsessive behavior.


I’m sorry, multiple people have claimed that Fox News asked a gotcha question when in fact NPR asked a reasonable line of questions, but pointing out that fact is obsessive how?

I don’t know. Maybe we could count the number of comments by people here to get a bead on that.


Business guy made of butter


ETA - Oops I didn’t realize that needed refreshing. Here ya go.

More jokes and puns would really help this thread out…


Not sure where you got that. This is what I see:

And, of course- some keep repeating the same point about one woman over and over and over.


Look, you have registered your disappointment with Psaki’s response to that one question. You have also stated your general appreciation for her work. Many people are telling you that you are holding Psaki to an unnecessarily high standard and I think that you are aware of this. There is really nothing more to say in this conversation. Because you are holding a conversation simultaneously with multiple people (who are not monolithic), each person is responding to each thing that you say in different ways.

The only way that this conversation ends is if you stop responding, even if someone says something that you feel is deeply unfair to you. You are free to keep this up if you like, but it all boils down to you saying that Psaki disappointed you and everyone else saying, “So what?” You are trying to justify your disappointment to people who do not care that you are disappointed.

Just let Psaki be Psaki and remember that the occasional gaffe is part and parcel of a very stressful job. And most importantly, don’t read too much into it.

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