Campus rapist given lenient sentence to avoid "severe impact on him"

And 9 of 10, average of 6 are numbers generated from studying college campuses. That’s 6 by the time they are 20 or 21. When you get off of college campuses opportunities for sexual assault probably drop somewhat, but instances of confusion about consent or borderline assault seem like they would drop off even more.

Bill Cosby is over 50 allegations the last time I checked, and we have to assume that’s not half.

If 9 of 10 rapes on college campuses are committed by serial offenders, one has to imagine the ratio for rape in general is 19 of 20 or even higher. Rape is one of the exceptionally few crimes we need to really increase our punishments for.


Call me prejudicious, I know I’m being so, but as soon as I saw that his name was Brock I thought he must be a POS privileged white boy who was going to be let off lightly.


But he’s not a danger to the public, if your definition of “public” consists entirely of men. Which appears to be the judge’s definition.

Giving men a slap on the wrist for raping is a big part of why we continue to have rape culture.


Well, “public” is men and some subset of women that the judge assumes don’t get raped because they behave correctly.

I wonder if men who make excuses for rapists realize that if 1 in 5 women have been sexually assaulted (again, by the time they are 20 or 21) then their friends, their wives, their mothers and daughters and sisters have been assaulted - that someone they care about has been sexually assaulted. And they don’t know. Why don’t they know? Because even people who care about them know they are the kind of shit head you don’t tell your sexual assault to.


Or a little, uh, “frontier justice.”


I have no words for this level of stupid…


I do want rape taken seriously by cops and courts, but I don’t think we need to sever anything…


It’s not so far away here:

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Totes agreed, but now I’m a bit worried about the presence here of those last two words. They’re bro bait! I hope mansplainers (and worse) don’t arrive and shut down yet another thread… (not that I’m saying I think you shouldn’t have written them)


a jury convicted Turner of sexually penetrating an intoxicated and unconscious person with a foreign object

When Emperor Trump is in power, rapists can expect more lenient sentences for using domestic objects.

(I apologize to anyone who finds me insensitive, but ugliness and injustice always force me to levity)


“Boys will be Boys”



Correction: he’s not a boy. He’s been an adult for 2 years and he’s out of his teens. Tired of seeing young white people being called children when they commit crimes while young black people get treated as adults.


Interestingly in their “civilized” country a rapist might indeed get such a “lenient” sentence.

You might want to look at the whole picture: Sweden has a substantially higher percentage of rapes investigated, brought to trial, and resulting in conviction.


Well, apparently the average sentence for rape in Sweden is around 2 years, which is considerably longer than 6 months.

I’ve said, higher up in the thread, that I very much buy into the idea that putting people in prison for a long time is terrible. In Sweden, they actually recognize that and give considerably lighter sentences for crime in general than are given the US. I think that’s great. What is not great is when that philosophy of light sentencing is applied only to wealth, famous, or popular rapists.


That makes a whole lot of sense.


I found the breakdown in this article even more… guh, no word for it.

With good behavior, Turner, 20, is expected to serve three
months in county jail. He will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life and complete a sex offender management program

I can’t stress this enough - judges are elected - gotta get out and vote (if you can!) more than once every four years. The “midterms” and local elections are often the ones that are going to have the most direct impact on you and those in your community.




See, I’m down with the idea of redemption and the idea that one bad act need not define someone. But it’s a process and it comes hard earned. Here it seems to have fallen into his lap.


Check out his Facebook page. Heartsick and disgusted.