Can a Clinton/Warren Ticket heal the Bernary Divide?

Good gravy, that’s a scary sight.

I said someone from Florida, not anyone from Florida. :smile:

I don’t want Warren to be VP. I think she’d do a lot more for us in the Senate than by being effectively neutered in the VP spot- which to me always will be a job for suckers, retirees, and the tragically lucky. In the Senate, however, Warren can continue fighting for the issues that make her such a supposedly great pick in the first place. I don’t see her being replaced with someone better than her, just another Democrat.

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What are you talking about?

I said:

He is the head of the party, but the governing rules of the DNC determine how someone can be removed from their position, and that doesn’t include the whim of the President. The President doesn’t even get an honorary committee position, let alone an actual one.

The DNC is not a dictatorship. Obama can’t just decide to throw someone out, any more than the Queen of England could throw someone out of Parliament.

Okay, I was talking about Obama possibly/likely talking to Bernie about the vp slot, as well as the public support for Clinton he gave the next day. Or canasta.

White guys aren’t beholden to the same rules as other politicians.

Two heterosexual white men on a Presidential ticket is Business As Usual. Two women or two black people or two Jewish people or two gays is OMG THE ____ AGENDA IS TAKING OVER.


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