Capitol police officer explains to Congress why the pro-Trump rioters are terrorists

Why, though? You haven’t yet expressed any thought on the original topic of this thread. Why are you trying to divert the topic before even weighing in?
Do you think the Jan 6 “rioters” qualify as terrorists? Start there, then build an argument, if you so choose. Deflection like that doesn’t really fly around here.


The Trumpists don’t surprise me at all. The media seeing this and simply shrugging its shoulders and saying “ehh” does.


So far, the only thing saving us is that Trump, beyond the Florida time share salesman sleazy charm and bully in the playground evil, is utterly incompetent.

He has the attention span of a kitten in a butterfly preserve and unless it directly involves praising him, simply loses interest in abut five minutes and cannot comprehend anything more complex than “Dick & Jane go to a birthday party” and even then he only looks at the pictures and wonders if the party was for him.

If the republicans come up with a Baron Harkonnen or someone of equally nasty genius and complex plotting/planning talents, we are well and truly hosed.


Did they ever charge him?

I don’t think they need genius. Even a competent fascist could be enough to overthrow our democracy in the current environment. In the meantime…


I think Pelosi outplayed the pigeon. I think she wanted both Cheney and Kinzinger on there, knew that the GQP would cry about it, and that McCarthy would appoint shitbirds on purpose that she would then reject- freeing up a slot for Kinzinger anyway.


Don’t forget the new lie they’re workshopping: It’s Pelosi’s fault


As far back as 2009 I had one of my professors pull me aside and caution me that putting “antifascist” in my political views on Facebook could “hurt my career”. Over a a decade later, I still haven’t bombed the RNC, and the same folks who excluded me from agencies assigned to monitor threats to the “homeland” literally ran up on the Capital with guns drawn. I’m happy to wear a mask in public, but not just for public health - because “civil” society has so utterly failed us that the tech savvy at risk youth who deleted Facebook in 2016 and spent four years studying cults, cryptography, and cognitive psychology looks downright sane.

These old, white men (and women - looking at YOU Nancy Pelosi) need to do more than festoon their lapels with BLM hashtags or rainbow stickers, and start listening to true reason (not magical thinking about invisible men in the sky or invisible hands in the market) lest they want another summer of boomers stacked like cordwood from COVID and mobs in the streets when the cops shoot yet another black guy


Consider the employers of the Press Corps.
And consider the owners of those companies.
They are parroting the Company Line, or else they have no job. Not many people are able to withstand that kind of pressure.

Independent press in this country [for the most part] died decades ago. Media consolidation in this country is an old story; the only thing new about it is that some of them are being bought out by Vulture Capitalists… & some [if not all] of them have bought & paid for their own politicians for years.

So, it may well be true that some of them don’t ‘get it’… all of 'em are Employees, though.
Some of them may choose to toe the Company Line; others not.
Just keep in mind who signs the checks {and this applies on several levels}

Sure it is.
It’s even more infuriating to realize that the Democratic ‘Leadership’ doesn’t seem to comprehend that the Other Side has NO intention of negotiating in ‘good faith’.
Or even worse… maybe they do

Excellent screed omitted, but agree 100%.

Not only that, they are betting on the pigeon to win.

True enough, but the coup is ongoing in various State legislatures, as well as in the Senate {via the usual ratfuckery on the Fascist side].
Jan 6 was the opening salvo… and the investigation had better go after the financiers.
We shall see.

How dare the serfs question their masters, much less talk about paying smaller tithes…

I can’t imagine why the Cop Riots don’t get more press… /s

EDIT: tyops


Gym Jordan would have been a screeching parrot, interrupting, declaring things were lies, intimidating witnesses, which is what Qevin and El Hefty wanted, but most everyone else was sick of. I think the hissy fits are going to continue, but they’re pretty much meaningless. Especially after yesterday, although tuckkker, hannity and ingraham have done their best to mock and deny.


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