Capitol rioter going for plea bargain says she's since "learned" by watching Schindler's List and reading Just Mercy

OK, I hate you now for making me watch that. Also, it might be the most powerful film I’ve ever seen, just in the first 10 minutes.


She’s lying. Plain and simple. Lawyer told her to say it in the hopes of getting leniency. “see, my client really is a good person deep down when given the chance, her misdeeds were the result of a poor upbringing and bad education, just give her a second chance” (despite the fact she probably had a very privileged upbringing and was given every advantage)

None of that ever works for poor folk who are accused of minor crimes, or victimless offenses such as drug possession. Why should it be an excuse for a treasonous, murderous attack against our countries capital?


Everyone needs to see it once.

And once is enough.

That film school screening the TAs would put it on and leave the room.

It’s a good idea take a break about halfway through. Follow it up with something lighter.


“And for punishment, I watched the Star Wars prequel straight through.”


Oh, she’s not. They never are.

Even if she is telling the truth, she should still be tried for what she did. She participated in an attempt to overthrow the fucking government.


I can think of a lot of really unkind things to say about this “person”, but I’ll just keep it to myself and hope karma takes a swing around in a reasonable amount of time.

A friend told me of watching Schindler’s List when it first came out, in Boston when some local nazi skinheads also decided to watch it. Empathy didn’t happen, they applauded inappropriately. Watching something on Netflix seems like an exceedingly low bar to show contrition.


Absolutely agree.



And Schindler’s List has been around for 25 years and she’s somehow never seen it. This bullshit Q whatever propaganda has been around for five and she’s completely immersed herself in it. It’s obvious which one is more her speed.

Even the other weird death cultists who didn’t invade the Capitol worry me, because they’re like a third of the country and they’re in this deep. Either this gets worse, or they all declare themselves to have gotten over it without actually having gotten over it. I don’t see much in way of a middle ground.


Suppose you and your three friends decide to rob a convenience store. You wait outside as a getaway driver. One of your friends brings a gun. A police officer happens to be in the store. Your friend with the gun panics and shoots them. They run out, you drive away as planned. The police officer later dies. What do you get charged with?

I don’t know about all states, but where I’m living the answer is first degree murder. Maybe in D.C. it’s second degree murder or manslaughter. Maybe it’s just armed robbery?

But it would seem, if you are a white supremacist terrorist it is trespassing.

I don’t know if Morgan-Lloyd’s transformation and repentance are real. I do know that three years probation, $500 restitution and community service is an awfully light sentence for murdering a police officer, traumatizing two more so they commit suicide, causing people to lose eyes, suffer traumatic brain damage, etc. It’s an awfully light sentence for a terrorist attack and attempted coup.

Everyone in the US should be given lighter sentences than they are given. But the justice system cannot keep giving especially light sentences specifically to white supremacist terrorists.


I hope so too.

I find Schindlers List problematic in so far as the Nazi regime are no more than signifiers of ‘evil’ and there is virtually no exploration of the politics and ideological impact on the German people involved under such extreme circumstances that swept followers up into that regime given the zeitgeist.

This seems to be happening in much of the commentary around this woman… people ‘know’ exactly where she came from, her motivations, her background and what she deserves as judgment. So many assumptions from people speaking from a gut response which I understand in the heat of the moment.

To visit any memorial to victims of genocide does hit you in the face and the heart and hopefully makes us engage with thinking about the shades of grey of humans caught up in terrible circumstances.


I know that Morgan-Lloyd participated in a crowd that assaulted and murdered people. I know that adults are responsible for knowing that overrunning security in any circumstance is dangerous violence. I know that we hold adults accountable for the decisions they make even if we feel sorry for them.

People who murder people are still people. They are people who need to be arrested and tried for murder, and sentenced appropriately for that crime.


In addition to your points, we also know that she’s white, conservative, and can afford to hire a lawyer who knew how to work the system with these BS suggestions to show a supposed change of heart. Those three things count for a lot in America’s justice system.

But, sure, speaking only from a “gut response … in the heat of the moment” the commenters are all being unfair to this insurrectionist and to the judge who’s letting her off so easily. /s


irrelevant julianne malveaux GIF

She participated in an attempt to overthrow our government. She needs to be tried for this. IT IS STILL A FUCKING CRIME!!!

So that means all criminal activity should be ignored if one shed’s a tear in the Holocaust Museum… so that means I can go rob a bank, go to the Holocaust Museum, and get a free pass? Because that’s what it sounds like you’re saying here.

And that doesn’t negate trying to overthrow the government. At all. :woman_shrugging: Some people seem to think that if you show that your sorry, then it means that a crime wasn’t committed and you should go on your way. But no…

But she had a sad when she watched a movie, so apparently, all should be forgiven! /s


Lets Go Reaction GIF

She was probably just worried about the economy… we can let a little petty insurrection go this time, can’t we? /s


Really, who among us has not tried to overthrow the legitimately elected democratic government of the United States of American from time to time. Let he who has not tried to install a fascist dictatorship cast the first metaphorical stone. /s


We’ve all done it… not like this are real crimes, like shoplifting while Black, or dealing weed while Black. I mean, we got to defend society from those real crimes, so we can’t afford to let some poor defenseless white people who just wanted to live in a racist fascist dictatorship take up the room in prison for those real criminals! /s

Head Desk Laughing GIF


It has that feel, actually. Those are the exact films which one would expect would demonstrate learned compassion.

Conservatives also love to act shocked and surprised to learn there are antisemites and racists in their midst. (C’mon, they know…) This is a tacit admission of that many of the capitol rioters were white nationalists.


The only regret this insurrectionist has is getting caught, and ‘penalties’ like this will ensure that another violent insurrection occurs.
In the meantime, the Coup is an ongoing process, with the various Fascist state legislatures doing everything they can to nail down one party rule, and the Fascists in the US Congress doing likewise.
Too many Democrats seem oblivious to the fact that if the Fascists succeed, their own political fortunes will be irrelevant.
Night and Fog, indeed…


Maybe the New York Times should interview her in a rust belt diner