Science isn’t an opinion.
anecdotes aren’t science
You must not be hard to surprise.
Science isn’t an opinion.
anecdotes aren’t science
You must not be hard to surprise.
Flaming O’s, as it were.
But that really is text book. Was he an ex-body builder? Cos it sounds like he was using testosterone supplements. Testosterone (and forgive I havnt read the whole thread) is really really bad for you. It shrinks gonads, and impairs testosterone production. Take it for long enough and you will have testes the size of raisins.
( I have now read more of the thread)
I should have said that testosterone is really bad for you if you are born male and want to retain an independent capacity to manufacture testosterone in your own body.
For those who have trouble producing enough (apparently a smaller group than some had thought) then im sure taking a testosterone supplement is a potential treatment). However generally bodybuilders try and get hold of clomid. Clomid stimulates testosterone production in men. In women it stimulates certain female hormones (didnt pay enough attention). As I said, taking too much testosterone directly will result in raisin-itis.
Well, he’d had the D-cups and beer gut (and anger issues) for YEARS before he started the testosterone. Because I knew he wasn’t getting ANY exercise and beer was the only non-meat in his diet, when he announced his ‘Low T’ diagnosis, I smelled a rat.
Much like he blamed the fact ‘chicks won’t date me’ on his theory that all chicks were gold-diggers, and not because he had a domestic violence conviction.
Being obese will in itself impair testosterone production. But the breast growth and anger is often something you will see in bodybuilders who are abusing testosterone. They are meant to use 8 week cycles - which reduces the risk of gonad shrinkage. But some guys want to get that competitive edge.
Me, I would prefer to have balls.
Yeah, you’d think there was ‘pharmacological interference’ to grow a pair of “fun bags” (Thanks for that, Armozel ), but it was just his bad habits.
I would agree with you about ‘I would prefer to have balls’, but I’m female! I have enough balls in the air without looking for yet another project.
Funnily enough if it was excess testosterone in my system that contributed to my infertility. Too much in a woman, no ovulation.
None of the “soy bad” applies to fermented foods. Have all the soy sauce, natto, tempeh, and miso you want.
I’m male, but I’d be very happy not to have to care for/tend to my balls if it were possible.
Since Viagra doesn’t improve sexual desire at all (only performance) it seems unlikely that Viagra works better than T in terms of increasing desire.
Just sayin’…are you sure that’s something you want to contract out to the lowest bidder? I don’t trust anyone to change the oil in my car…
There’s a lot of awesome info from personal experiences in this thread!
On a possibly related note, does this tie in at all with studies showing generational declines in average testosterone levels (which I understand is apparently not a result of lifestyle factors) and in things like infant anogenital distance?
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