Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/07/23/cast-of-tetris-movie-falls-int.html
I’m relieved to know this is about the people behind the game, not a movie about the game itself. Because, let’s face it, Hollywood would absolutely make that movie - they made “Battleship” and this really wouldn’t be all that different.
Cast of Tetris movie falls into place
I see what you did there.
One of those “parodies” that’s indistinguishable from the “real” thing except only by budget size…
Yes, exactly. Although, lately it’s hard to distinguish parodies with small studios making demo’s to attract work.
They’ve been toying around with the idea of a “Monopoly” movie since at least 2015 but mercifully it still hasn’t quite got off the ground yet. May it be forever confined to Production Hell, along with Minesweeper and Jenga: Tower of Terror and the dozens of other ill-conceived game tie-in movies that have almost certainly been pitched at some point.
1996’s Twister did pretty well at the box office though (#2 movie for the year), so I’m sure Milton Bradley is going to keep trying.
I’m saving my money for the inevitable Hungry Hungry Hippos by Michael Bay.
Oh, I can think of a way to do Monopoly. I mean the IP holders for the game wouldn’t like it, but…
ETA: think more Knives Out! and less “fun, family board game.”
Wait, that board game was supposed to be fun??
Oh, I thought this movie was normalizing ‘watching livestreamer have intense one hour game [no spin cheat]’ which is something I do not do because I am also a normal person he he.
I actually found it pretty good. I mean not top tier, but certainly not a complete waste of 90 mins.
I mean it was on par with Pixels…
(I also love the “drop some lead” line.)
As a piece of cheesy Navy propoganda it was certainly less gay than Top Gun.
That brings back find memories of playing Milton Bradley’s ‘Sharknado’ in 19A3.
Yeesh. Monopoly sucks as a game. McDonald’s is probably the only adaptation of it that’s been worthwhile. Although I’ve never played the original version…
Quality of the movie aside, it was just a random movie that certainly wasn’t “based on” anything in particular. I can’t imagine that if it had been made without the tie-in, that anyone would have watched it and said, “You know what this reminds me of?..”
Damning with the faintest of “praise”…