From memory…" There exactly 57 members of the communist party in the Congress at this time."
It saddens me that people still use that meme. He’s alt-right misogynist.
I suspect for some, that’s part of the humour of the meme, in that everyone who knows who it is behind that cheap plastic table knows that he cherrypicks who he allows to “debate” with him, and he’s never changed his mind in his life and has no intention of starting now.
No follower will lift a finger to actually confirm this baloney, because the actual truth of it is not important. It’s a rallying cry, it might get news cycles, it pushes libs to deny it, and it’s renting space in our heads for free.
That was deliberate on my part, because it gives me pleasure to use him in the leftist cause. It likely irritates him to see his image used to poke fun at the far-right.
I remember this story every time this nonsense comes up.
That highschool in Michigan… it’s my alma mater… in a solidly red district in central Michigan. Granted we’re talking more country club because of a major chemical company based there red, but surrounded by blue collar areas in the county that are what you think of these days as the base. So yeah, I was first like “Oh WTF did we make the news for?!” and then “Wait they put in gender neutral bathrooms? Times have changed.”[1] and then this didn’t die so it was back to the former.
[1] It really was more of a “I don’t care what you do in your home but I don’t want to see it” conservative vibe, not a “I will make up things I think you do in your home if I don’t like you and legislate the f**k out of it” vibe. Either way, huge sea change since the 90s to see a progressive policy.
Just posted in Transphobia, but as usual, there is a kernel of truth.
It was about school shootings, not furries. Of course, they don’t want to talk about shootings. Sigh.
I personally always thought of gender-neutral bathrooms as “great for emergencies” when there’s a “line” for your side.
Oh yeah personally I’d prefer public bathrooms everywhere started leaning towards completely gender neutral European style bathrooms with floor to ceiling doors and a shared sink.
Helps get rid of the lines (for men at sporting events and women… everywhere else) and this stupid non-debate.
Thank you
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