Originally published at: Cat regrets going out in snow | Boing Boing
The second when the owner laughed? That’s the moment when the cat scheduled the couch for a major shredding.
I would have been out there barefoot in my shorts.
All of our cats are 100% indoors, every once in a while they follow us out but once they get a few feet of the porch they just stop and reconsider what they just did. Our oldest sickest cat gets to visit the backyard on nice warm days but he just sits there and looks around always under very close adult supervision.
This is “cat torture”, I just can’t go there. /s
Then, presumably, immediately asks to go outside again.
Meanwhile the husky be like:
Fluffernutter is an absolutely fabulous and elegant Himalayan cat, with all that entails, including extra fur between his toes to protect his feetsies from the cold if he were an outdoor cat. One day we had a few good inches of snow, and we thought Fluffy might appreciate getting in touch with his snow-encrusted heritage. So we took him outside to bound through the fresh-fallen snow a bit.
The experiment ended quickly, as he panic-peed all over everything as soon as his precious toes touched the snow.
I guess everyone learned something that day.
Every 6 months or so, my cat would forget how he hates the outdoors, and begged to be out. One winter, I carried him out, dropped him in a snowbank, and immediately got a 6 month reprieve from asking again.
His only positive outdoor experiences happened 4 feet from the front door, where he’d roll around, scratching his back on the cement.
must have looked something like this
What a great cat. Love his voice
And now these:
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