Charlie Sheen & Whoopi Goldberg are in a new '9/11' movie and the trailer is crap-tacular

If Conservapedia’s members believe that Ingsoc were actually socialist then Miniluv’s work is already half done. They already show the level of self delusion that is necessary to survive in such an environment, they just need nudging in the right direction. Actual socialists, on the other hand, are far more likely to end up knowing what goes on in Room 101 on a very personal level.

They also have Animal Farm on that list. What was it that Orwell wrote in an essay a year after the book was published?

Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.


I don’t think I want to believe.

from the Auschwitz listing

Isn’t politically correct on the topic of gun control as Nazi officers are seen shooting Jewish citizens and forcing them into concentration camps.

Are they seriously saying that Nazis shooting Jewish people is good because it is pro gun?


Right, and they do hate Illinois Nazis.

(If you didn’t get that far down the page: “The Nazis were left-wing socialists even though the left has tried denying it…”)


Shouldn’t you have at least a couple of “Rapture” based end times movies in there, and maybe a copy of “The Atheist Delusion: Why Millions Deny the Obvious”?


It’s intended to be serious, but it’s been the target of Poe-based creative sabotage ever since it began.

The site administrators will instantly expel anyone they suspect of not being an extreme-right nut, but that just means that their writers are a mix of lunatics and people pretending to be lunatics.


No, it’s the “if all the European jews would have had guns, the Shoah couldn’t have happened” spiel some of the gun nuts use.

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I think they massively overestimate the Jewish population in 1933 Germany. Just going by the numbers (Jewish Germans were less than 1% of the population even then) the only end result I can see is a massacre. The real world is not a game of Civilization where even a neolithic spearman has a chance of taking out modern armoured infrantry.

It reminds me of my fellow socialists who believe that a violent revolution has any chance of working in the western world today. Completely delusional.


That’s when the left lived up to it’s name, and left… that conversation


There were the Strasserists and National Bolsheviks who were in the Nazi Party, and were (and still are) hated by the anti-nationalist left. It didn’t end well for them.

I have had it argued at me that the fact it was a purge meant that the Nazis were left wing. The complete absence of any desire for the workers to own the means of production in any way is apparently completely irrelevent, as is the fact that the remaining faction with any power was predominantly nationalist.


I’m not sure about your point, but I don’t see it ending well.

Basically Hitler took advantage of misguided socialists, then disposed of them when they weren’t of any advantage to him any more. They never had any real power and when they started asking for socialist reform they were a liability to the nationalists.

It does not mean that the Nazis were socialists, just that they were opportunists. The Trumpists are the same.


If you offer them a ‘you’re technically slightly correct on one point’ all that gets heard it the parts ‘you’re’ and ‘right’. I don’t disagree with your facts, quite correct, however nazi’s are for punching, not for confusing with appropriate context!


Which is why I would never bring them up when talking to one of them. If they did bring it up I would remind them that there were nationalists and capitalists in the Nazi party for far longer, from the 1920s right up until the end of the war (all those companies who took advantage of slave labour were privately owned).

The reason why capitalists were in the Nazi party? Fear of socialism.


First. The trailer itself. It’s not a bad trailer it’s what I expect from a typical Hollywood tragedy type flick.

Second. The casting. I like Goldberg just fine in most things and from what we see it seems to fit fine. sheen and gershon do not match those two characters at all. Especially from everything sheen has done in the last decade to undermine any sort of serious role.

Third. The subject matter. It isn’t too soon. We are far enough removed that we can talk about it. It does feel distasteful to make money off it though. But since we have had a bunch of 9/11 films and docudramas and such already, is this the straw?

Remove the tragedy being 9/11 and I feel like it’s just a typical studio driven Hollywood flick. Fills me with lots of meh.


Our very way of life has been attacked today. Oh hai Mark!

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9 1/2 weeks with Whoopi and Charlie? Eww!


I think the problem is that 9/11 happened on TV and it has been gone over from ten different directions so there isn’t really much to learn by watching the movie.

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There’s a movie version of Atlas Shrugged… split into three movies.

So there’s that.

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233.846 out of 69.316.526 persons, according to the 1930 census, not including annexed Austria, “Sudetenland” and “Memelland”. That’s 0.34%.

Except the SS, which in parts also was a commercial enterprise, making money 1) by hiring out slave labour to privately owned companies 2) operating companies in the concentration camps 3) using slave labour in the companies it owned or controlled itself.
The term to feed your search engine is "SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt“ (SS-WVHA) .
This wasn’t just done for money and power, but also for ideological reasons. One of Himmler’s goals was to eventually turn everyone into a non-smoking teetotalling vegetarian. To that end, his commercial empire made investments. For instance, by 1944 the SS controlled 75% of the production and distribution of mineral water.