yes yes we are… we can quit anytime… umm ohhh new topic gotta go.
I propose an ‘actually irregular’ TL that just gives you +200 likes/day. That’s all I actually want, and I’m irregular enough to qualify.
Yeah, can we not show that?
Also, I haven’t checked but does discourse use websockets? Cause if it does you probably see like four of me.
Yeah. All those times I reply within a minute (like, er, this one) are totally coincidences. I’m off this site lots.
~4 months (hah, everyone else is still counted in mere days) in real time, since June '13, including time sleeping…? Hmm…
Yeah, that’d be an interesting analysis. (Hmmm… RatMan logs in from everywhere, and reads all this stuff in bits and pieces, but never says anything unless he’s in front of his beloved Model M.)
Nahh, the technical term is long polling with chunked encoding, I blogged about my general Web Socket concerns.
Our implementation falls back to a very friendly 2 minute poll for background browser tabs.
Now if you figured out a way of having 20 open foreground tabs pointed at us … stuff could get interesting, but really even that would not impose a load problem.
Not only do I know exactly what you’re talking about, I did experimental work (for a web mmo) in… Shit… 2006 that followed the same patterns. I’ve tried to explain chunked encoding to many engineers and they just don’t get it. Chunked sucks, but it saves 30%+ of your packets.
And I promise to only accidentally open five discourse tabs
Gawd I feel old, and im not old!.
You should just implement a PHP interpreter in a Linux kernel module - fast, secure, and simple to whip up. You’d have much more control over the networking and http stack, and https would be delightful to implement.
Not me, I’ll pop open 20 at a time and read them in batches until I’m current.
That’s not obsessive, is it?
(Sorry[&]NotSorry @codinghorror!)
BTW, great post. But when I got to I wanted to punch my own junk repeatedly. I am lazy, I never want to write a select server ever ever ever ever again. There are important things to do in life, like, I dunno, polish your shoes.
One time I actually tried to meet that criteria - I would’ve had to sit on here all day for like three days in a row or something, and then keep up the average.
‘Regular’ should mean what it says.
How could you ever have less than five BBS tabs open at once? How else can you read everything?
Two screen readers, one on the left ear another on the right, constantly reading the firehose of posts on BBS?
You don’t actually have to read every single sentence in every single post, just scroll down slowly and pick up the gist as you go. (hint, hint)
after one summer job at programming that was how i came to feel about all coding in general… the idea of working with low level stuff like assembler still appeals to me but nobody does that anymore.
i say this with no offense meant to all you coding type guys out there just that i came to the realization it wasn’t what i could stand doing for a day job.
Yeah this. Also @Kimmo check the keyboard shortcuts… oh let me just hold the k button down a bit… oh look end of crazy gun control thread already, darn.