Cheese expert asked to guess which cheese is more expensive

The best cheddar i ever had was from Wisconsin, i don’t recall who made it but it was an 8 year aged white cheddar that was marvelous. Also growing up in Venezuela there’s a lot of cheeses that you just can’t find equivalents of here in the US. Nothing quite tastes the same even if they are cheeses from other Latin countries ]: sometimes you find something that’s kind of close but it’s such a hassle buying random cheeses only to have them not be anywhere near what you want. The most common type of cheese you find there are fresh white cheeses but there’s a big variety in types.

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No. I agree that segment was really confusing, and I actually had to go back and re-watch it, because I got confused, but she liked the Greek one way more.

It was confusing because 1) she tasted B first, while she almost always tasted A for the others, and 2) while we could see her slicing her piece from B for her first bite, she then picked an already-crumbled bite for the other and it looked like it was also from the B side.

But A, the Greek one, was the one she said tasted delicious, like olives, while B she said tasted only of salt.

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About 20 years ago in Atlanta a new cheese shop opened in a tony part of town. My wife and I only went there because they sold Leonidas chocolates, which are uh. Mazing. The proprietor was proud of his cheeses and tried to sell us some. He let us smell a cheese he’d imported from France. “You can really smell the barn!” he proclaimed. Having grown up around barns, I readily concurred, but thought, “That’s not the selling point you think it is.”

He was out of business before the year ended.

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Roquefort is quite nice, but…

…this one is so good that it will make your head swim and your fillings hurt.


So, my go to supermarket cheddar is Old Croc

Kerrygold is also pretty good…

My real best choice is Harmann’s Cheese


Adequate everyday kinda’ cheese.
I’ve always got some.

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A joke from a TV commercial when I was visiting London a few years back:

“Did you know the French make over a hundred kinds of cheese? Keep at it lads, you’ll get to cheddar eventually.”


Yeah, good…



I generally end up buying cheap-ish american white cheddars, my purchase will vary depending on availability since i really don’t want to be driving around town just for cheese. But i have tried the Kerrygold one i think. I’ve also bought a goat’s milk white cheddar that was quite enjoyable

There’s a cheese place near my work that deals in high end stuff, went there once and sampled some random stuff and everything was incredible but with prices like $20 or 30/lb and above it’s just too much for me.

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The 8 year aged white cheddar i had was quite intense. It hurt to eat because of the sharpness, had loads of the protein crystals and the cheese just melted when you ate it. I haven’t had a high quality blue cheese (that i can recall) but pretty sure its right up my alley


Wookey Hole cheese! I wish I could get that in the states (reliably).

It’s also fun to say.

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That’s the key right? If I am putting out cheese and crackers and such to a bunch of people…honestly…medium cheap store bought is perfectly fine.

when it is time for a cheese board for my spouse and I to sit down to, then I splurge on something really choice but pricey.

The masses can eat Cabot or Cracker Barrel and shut it! :smiley:

Most of the nicer cheeses i’ve had have been at weddings lol. Still i do like splurging on the rare occasion, it’s been quite some time since i have… i might do so next year when i visit a friend in Vegas. I have a bottle of aged Venezuelan rum that pairs excellently with nutty aged cheese, me and my friend accidentally hit on this combination years ago and i highly recommend it. Though it can be trouble, we nearly finished the bottle and then went to a country bar… i… don’t remember most of the evening.


That blue pictured is the one in the video, I’m pretty sure.
Psst… Cabrales.
Expensive but worth it.

Yeah… good, that one.

Both sharp and creamy,
and so temperature sensitive that it softens slightly when put in the mouth.

For us up here in Ontario, anyway, Quebec makes some amazing cheddars. In a pinch, there’s Balderson’s 5 year aged cheddar, but I’m fairly sure that’s plastic-aged versus the more traditionally aged Quebec options.

Cheddar less than a year old is gross. :wink:

Well, to be fair…I meant more crappy family gatherings where your drunk Uncle Paul is going to make inappropriate jokes, hit on your younger brother’s girlfriend, and eventually throw up off the deck…those events warrant nothing better than cheap store bought cheeses. hehe

Hey, what happens in, stays in.

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And if you’ve got cheap cheeses, the best/cheapest way to make them seem super fancy is to get a little pot of fig jam.

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The typical venezuelan thing for cheese plates is sweet pepper marmalade, it’s great :slight_smile: It’s non-spicy

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