Chelsea Manning threatened with 'indefinite solitary confinement' for expired toothpaste and asking for a lawyer

As long as our prisons are focused on total domination and absolute control, solitary confinement and other torture techniques are indispensable. It’s time to abolish prisons as we know them, and re-think the entire criminal justice system according to a different logic. It’s not working, it’s just causing horrific pain unnecessarily to both those inside prisons and also the rest of society.


Yet another American system that just isn’t working anymore.

The 1940’s to 1950’s spawned the Baby Boomers, a generation that would adopt new tech eagerly and embrace new ideas (ushering in the 60’s). All of the industrial systems and bureaucracy around you? It got “modernized” then.

Like Tyler Durden says, we have no great war. Our ideas have evolved but our systems haven’t.



… like a “correctional specialist cadre”?

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I notice you don’t have any actual justification for these injustices, other than “it’s okay because MILITARY”. Maybe you’d like to explain to us why torture and threats over minor infractions are not immoral, monstrous behavior? You sound very proud to be part of the military, but it sounds like you’re being held to a lower standard of behavior than the rest of us, not a higher one.


No, the whole fucking military and criminal “justice” is what’s embarrassing for you poorly educated military types.


What did she do? Induce somebody to drop that copy of Vanity Fair from a helicopter?

Seriously, if you were going to smuggle something into a prison…


The US military, especially ground forces(Army and USMC), is perhaps the primary stronghold of patriarchy in the world despite civilian leadership imposed reforms. Is there no surprise that an always different than approved gender roles person like Manning; victimized for failing at being a cis-male and then an openly TG-woman, now also adjudicated as a traitor to the cult/organization, is being bullied in a punitive prison legal environment managed by traditional adherents to norms based mostly on 120 year old gender roles.
Most military recruits, like police recruits, are affected by a selection bias towards people who prefer the entrenched organizational culture and mission.

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@johnny_farnen, please understand that the wikileaks and Snowden revelation topics on BB have attracted many obvious astroturfing attacks which faded after the pre-written one post and then abandon account counterpoint posters within the first few moments of the OP were confronted by BB users to the point of joking preemption in those threads.
I see you have only posted once before on BB, and I hate that BB can sometimes be a liberal to radical-left echo chamber, but I am sure there will be more belief in your sincerity if we see you around more often participating in the conversations.


Oh no! That must be so terrible for you!

We are so ashamed of our unworthiness.

And so concerned about your feelings.


I couldn’t help but be reminded of the camparative treatment of prisoners, when James Conway, retired Superintendent of Attica Correctional Facility in New York, visited Nordic prisons and facilities.

To me, is highlighted the embarrassing scientific and humanitarian disconnect in the USA, the instantiation of inhumanity within culture, at the heart of Chelsea’s circumstances as described.


With the exception of our laws concerning the treatment of prisoners and the whole innocent until proven guilty thing of course…
Honestly, how can you expect to say you are upholding the laws of the U.S. while defending a system that operates outside those laws?

That’s kind of the point my authoritarian friend. How the military works, in this case, is offensive to me and mine. As our military is an extension of the executive branch of a government which is by, for, and of the people (a concept your claim to be defending) the anger, dismay, and disgust the people are expressing should be an indication to you that such behavior is offensive to the people and therefore the body from which the authority to act as a military is derived.

Before poorly educated military members continue to blatantly support activities expressly forbidden by the constitution, I task you to learn more about it and our bill of rights and to try to find a way to justify the simple fact that the UCMJ in no way upholds those very laws those who server under the UCMJ are sworn to protect and defend,


Just to be clear, Manning wasn’t a “whistleblower.” Manning illegally obtained and disclosed classified information. Not judging, just trying to provide some clarity, because “whistleblowing” implies a set of actions that clearly didn’t happen, including informing superiors of wrongdoing and reporting through appropriate (e.g., IG) channels. What Manning did was take a bunch of classified data (whether it was legitimately classified or not is an exercise left to the reader) and pass it for publication to 3rd parties. That is NOT ‘whistleblowing’. It’s more like espionage.

I don’t know where you got your official definition of whistleblowing. In common language is refers to a person who exposing wrongdoing in an organization.


I also don’t get how the definition of what a person is charged with has anything to do with how they are treated once incarcerated.


Sounds like James Conway is more interested in vengeance than correction. I suspect he’s not the only one.


Erm… that sums up whistleblowing pretty well actually.
Especially after having viewed the murder of innocent Iraqis by the US military.


My take exactly. The headlines here and all over affiliated sites, like the one that brought me here, are a travesty.

This is a maximum security prison. Being brought up on charges for this kind of disrespect of the guards is quite normal.

The treatment of Manning is a stain on our country.
Indefinite solitary is barbaric punishment. It should not be on the table, for these trivial charges or for more serious ones.
Both those things should change.

But this headline, and in fact the whole thread, makes a mockery of the real efforts to stop these serious injustices.

That was actually a stated requirement for us (USAF in the late 80’s) and not just in the Big Book o’ Fun Rules, although we additionally had to keep the bills in our wallets in sequential order.


USAF as well, Lackland AFB, early 2002.

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I happen to be a veteran, not a “poorly educated civilian.” I’d say I’m damned qualified to pass judgement on this. I still think this is a prime example of petty bullshit. No, the civilians you feel like dismissing aren’t the least bit embarrassing to me, thanks just the same.

[Que ‘no true Scotsman’ in 3 … 2 … 1 …]