Child interrupts remote expert interview on BBC News

Thinking of a friend’s experience it could have been worse. He could have said “Someone’s got a stinky diaper” and then said to the interviewer, “No, I don’t mean you.”


Honestly this looks like a home office skype that the kids (the older one, really) were told to not interrupt and about which dad was nervous, whatever was happening in that room it was a big deal and getting a lot of attention that day, so the older kid accitentionally barged in in a ‘rules, what rules’ sort of moment. Mom/caretaker did seem panicked, in a ‘his moment is getting screwed up!’ sort of way that shows at least she takes it seriously. Although trying to drag both kids through the door at the same time was comedy gold, it doesn’t seem the best of ways to move young people around.

This was an innocent mistake, obviously, but I’ve seen adults behave just like that, too. I bet there will be a locked door should the beeb ring again.


An NPR story about this yesterday afternoon started with an extensive explanation that experts like Kelly may go their entire lives without a call from the media and that it’s usually an unexpected event that prompts the call, so he was dealing with a lot.

Although he should be used to his kids coming in. :sweat_smile:

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What exactly is up with the assumption that she must be the nanny? Because she is Asian and he’s white?

Also, what specifically is it about her body language that says “subservient and afraid” rather than just “mortified with embarrassment”? Please, do tell.

Seriously, people, what the actual fuck? Some of the commenters here should really take a good long look at where those assumptions came from.


Personally, I recognized the look in his eyes and the set of his jaw. The woman’s panic was confirmation to me.

I’ve been that woman.


I am genuinely upset to hear that. You are one of the many insightful, cool people on BB whose opinions are why I keep coming back here.

I don’t see a “look in his eyes” or a “set in his jaw” though. I see a professional academic being paid to give his opinion in front of 30 million+ people who is intensely embarrassed about his professional facade being shattered by an awkward situation. I don’t see a desire for retribution, I don’t see any indication of an inclination towards violence, and I definitely don’t think his wife (who is also clearly mortified at a split second fuck-up) is his maid.

You know he tweeted the presenter afterwards and asked if this was the kind of thing that got out of hand and went viral, right?

I really don’t want to diminish the obviously horrendous experiences you have had in the past, and I honestly wish that kind of experience wouldn’t happen to anyone. I don’t see that here though, and there is no evidence that anything of the sort has happened. Not everyone who “sets their jaw” turns around and hits someone because of it.

As with the people who are assuming that his wife must be the nanny because she’s Asian, I think you are reading into a two-minute video and inferring far more than is possible from it.


Points for being right, and also points for a weeklong Robert Kelly Tickle Hour Anxieties and Yak Pants Roundtable (projected.)


She’s probably trying to look her children in the eye. They are, like many children of that age, short.

And yes, she’s his wife.

when the brits decided to exile a pesky frog, they chose St Helena. Tristan de Cunha would also work.

But North Korea would probably be a more convenient location for Dr. Kelly.

On a lighter note:


Who here assumed she’s the nanny? It was mentioned as a possibility from the very first post.

One could turn it right around and say “Why assume she’s his wife, because she’s home taking care of the children? Mothers can have day jobs too!”


UPDATE: they did an interview with the Wall Street Journal about the cause and the aftermath. i feel vindicated, somehow. they are also just as adorable as you guessed:


Wait. Nobody’s mentioned that her pants appear to be partially down? She was probably in the restroom when (and why) the kids broke free.


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