Originally published at: China's lunar rover to investigate mysterious cube on the dark side of the Moon | Boing Boing
Please, please, please let it be an obelisk.
Far side, not dark side. There is no dark side of the moon, unless you’re speaking metaphorically.
I hope it is a boulder. A cube-shaped boulder. That would be weird.
“As a matter of fact it’s all dark.”
I’m not say’n it’s Space Wombat poop but it’s Space Wombat poop.
The curious human spirit at its best, “What is that thing over there? Let’s check it out.”
The Matrix is a high-resolution version of Mine Craft. Blocky artifacts at the edge of the simulation space are leftovers from before the Uprezzing.
Clearly the rover is not a geologist because the correct phrasing is:
“What is that thing over there? Let’s hit it with a hammer.”
Works for almost everything except nitroglycerine.
My thought too. At 2:24 is the most relevant view.
It will probably turn out to be an optical illusion with two ore more objects creating the shape at a distance.
Nah, it is Borg.
And yet, you knew exactly what they meant. It’s almost like that’s how language works!
No one loves a pedant. I’ll be over here sulking in a puddle of my own self-righteousness.
Well, actually it works too, but just once.