Originally published at: Chinese brand in trouble for selling little kids shirts with "Welcome to hell" and "Let me touch you" printed on them | Boing Boing
[translated much more boringly from the original] “New shipment of kids clothing for the states! You have two hours to get some gweilo images to the silk screener or no break for you today! And none of that copyright-ed crap! (or Disney will have Beijing eat our asses)”
Creepy af, yes.
Do we think malice, or cultural blindness possibly aided by an unfamiliarity with Roman alphabet?
“Welcome to hell”
I mean, toddlers. Amirite?
I saw enough weird t shirts in my four years living in china to apply Hanlon’s razor to this one. But there’s even less excuse now to pay a native English student £50 to check that your translations are acceptable/accurate/non-pervy.
Also, where can I purchase one of these fine “welcome to hell” shirts for my 2 year old?
The great thing about a “Welcome to Hell” shirt is that it works just about anywhere you happen to be wearing it.
There’s an Instagram account called goodshirts which has weird (mostly knock-off) clothing from around the world and some of it is just bafflingly bizarre.
I guess the difference here is this is apparently a proper brand but still, “Welcome to hell” looks tame in comparison.
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