Originally published at: Chris Christie goofs when he says Trump is either a "liar" or he's "stupid" (video) | Boing Boing
Let’s just pretend Chris Christie is smart enough to know the difference between an inclusive OR and an exclusive OR. “Trump is a liar or stupid” is true. “Trump is a liar xor stupid” is false.
Trump lies, and is stupid.
Christie is so far the only GOP candidate willing to swing full on punches directly at Trump using his same tactics. DeSantis’s weak slap fight doesn’t count.
Why not both?
I don’t think that was a goof so much as a test.
… I wonder why Chris²tie didn’t take it
An IQ above room temperature (celsius)?
Christie briefly led Trump’s presidential transition team. By that I mean, Trump fired Christie from running his transition because Christie fundraised for the transition and then spend those funds on the transition. Trump accused him of stealing.
And as for the transition, Trump did virtually nothing. His administration was a failure from day one and it never got any better.
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