Christians ‘serious about their faith’ should consider getting guns, says TN politician

secularism = atheism = Marxism = Russian Revolution = communism = Stalin = Great Purge

Does this sound about right? Sure it does - for a very specific mindset.

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IIRC he was riding the dinosaurs.

Anybody else stoked that Mark Schultz is finally going to be continuing Xenozoic Tales after a 20-year cliff-hanging hiatus?


Do these guys ever read the New Testament? Seriously. JWNDT (Jesus would not do this!)

2 Likes,d.cGU

Sorry, I can’t link directly to the video at work. :wink:

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Does this apply only to actual killers, or even to those who merely owned a gun? In the second case, does it apply also to a knife? Or a poisonous plant in their garden? Or a half a brick and a sock, whether assembled or still apart (“preassembled”)?

Duck and cover. There is always a high degree of fear in such institutions. It is just channeled in different ways at different times.

If you live by a sword, you can die by a sword.
But if you live by an olive branch, you still can die by a sword.

We are supposed to try to deescalate the situation, with the gun only as a last-resort backup. That should be sufficient for being the better one.

I suppose to Jesus Lawyers it’d only apply to actual killers but I don’t know if it’s contempt of Cloud Court if someone had bought a gun and spent the rest of their Earth dwelling life hoping to be presented the opportunity to kill someone.

And the meek shall inherit the Earth.

Because the rest will head for the stars.
The meek can keep this stupid rock.

As a resident of SE Michigan, I assure you that you are in for a world of disappointment.


This thing is getting too much mileage of late:


I keep reading about how the shooter asked people’s religion - but I haven’t heard anything about him not shooting anyone who said they weren’t Christian. Everyone just seems to be assuming that part.

It’s a false dichotomy - owning a gun makes you more likely to be the victim of violence, and you’re increasing the possibility of accidentally shooting those around you. (Not to mention that being armed increases the tension and danger of day-to-day confrontations that might otherwise just result in angry shouting at most.) At the same time, the idea that being armed would improve your chances against a mass shooter is pure fantasy, as demonstrated by this:


I followed your link (hah!) and then clicked on “What It Means and Does Not Mean to Honor Our President” and thought the guy was balancing the issue pretty well until I got to:

To honor our president does not mean that we must obey laws if they require us to disobey God. If the President were to forbid us to proclaim the Gospel, we would have to disobey him. But we should obey and submit to all laws that do not cause us to sin, even if we don’t agree with them.

What I’ve learned from that statement is:

  • not “proclaiming the Gospel” is a sin (are they allowed to take time off to sleep?);
  • the President has the ability to “forbid” citizens from doing something (which branch do they think makes the laws?);
  • there are laws which “require” citizens to disobey their god (are they being forced to have abortions, or gay marriages, or what?);
  • when someone has a religious belief which tells them to break the law, that’s OK.

Wow! You went down the rabbit hole there!! I just looked for a link to the bible verse. :wink:

Maybe the President is the closest thing we have to a king and legislatures are unbiblical?


That pinko swarthy middle eastern Jesus didn’t, but American Jesus sure as hell did!


I was able to identify[0] Jesus+gun and Jesus+dinosaur but not Jesus+funky hat.

[0] scientifically valid and proper with Google image search

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That is just because the only time that 'mercan Jesus appeared long enough for a formal portrait was when he presented the Constitution…

All other appearances have been to lone individuals, so his description has been pieced together from all of their accounts. The common threads are: dinosaur, gun, patriotic-as-feck
There has been quite a bit of confusion as to how the patriotic aspect was displayed – some use an Uncle-Sam or tri-corner hat; some wrap him in a flag; some depict him subjugating brown people; non-believers depict him as 400 lb Jesus dragging a cross with his rascal scooter.


So, I think the Hypothesis, “this guy is a nutcase” has formally been accepted as a theory, and is being fast tracked as a law.

So now it’s Jesus dino pic time.



Don’t buy guns, buy dinosaurs!


Feel free to share this with your significant other if she needs something snarky to respond with: