Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/09/20/nope.html
Christ, what an asshole.
Good to see Fox keeping up their high standards. /s
And 30 years ago, people like her were calling for the heads of everyone they could possibly call Satanists on the word of their cottage industry of faux-therapists who caused it all.
The term that these fools are struggling for is “repressed/recovered memory”, where the patient is guided into synthesizing a memory using existing fragments;
It leads to all sorts of useless and dangerous crazy.
This isn’t what’s happening with Dr. Ford, here. She’s just being blamed for her victimization.
I’m glad you asked. The answer is “Several years before most people had ever heard of the guy,” according to both the therapist’s notes and several other people who Dr. Ford shared her story with.
I get that Americans like to honor former whatevers, but she hasn’t been a judge since 1993.
As a certified clinical hypnotherapist, my professional opinion is that Jeanine Pirro, in technical terms, doesn’t know shit.
It makes me so sad that people can be so fucking evil.
Hey, you think it’s easy being batshit crazy, conspiratorial fabulists who have to completely reverse their positions depending on who the president is? The mental gymnastics required are considerable.
It’s amazing she was ever a judge. She’s nuts. I always assumed it was a television title, like judges on reality shows, or a fraudulent thing, like the fake CIA agents and fake doctors they have on Fox…
and so happy to just put it out there.
My free space just has a ostentatious cross. The same I saw hanging from the necks of most of the women interviewed in the Kavanaugh news polls on TV.
Needs “Why are we talking about him, when ‘X’ has done so much worse.”
And the classic “Boys will be boys.”
Welp, if that’s not defamation i don’t know what is.
Ford and the Democrats are obviously lying… again. “Whatever it takes”.
I really really don’t like that woman. The more I hear from her, the faster she climbs to the very top of my “Most hated person on FOX” list.
And the competition is TOUGH.
JEANINE PIRRO: This is worrisome, it means that people will make up stories.
Every time I see one of these FN exchanges I try to think of what it must look like playing on tv screens in diners across 'murica. And the thought is frightening.
FN: “Blah blah, lies, lies, blah, blah…”
Diner Patron in 'murica: “Yep. You’re ger damn right.”