Chuck Schumer: "Donald Trump incited the erection" against the United States (oops!)

Senator Schumer is only 70, but everyone ages at a different rate. Then again, in general the U.S. Senate is too goddamn old (average age: 61.8). Nobody says anything about it. Senators fall apart in front of our eyes, and The Press pretends it’s not happening.

It’s a poorly-kept secret, for example, that Senator Diane Feinstein (age 87!) has major problems with memory and cognition. She will forget that she just said a particular sentence and keep repeating it. She will routinely forget briefings as soon as they’re over and become enraged that she wasn’t briefed.

Still, you’re not going to see anything like that on CNN or MSNBC or on the front of the New York Times. Trump Supporters, QAnonymists, UFO believers, and Flat-earthers are all looneytoons, but I can almost sympathize with the way they feel that The Powers That Be are keeping important secrets from them. The world isn’t well organized, it’s ridiculously complicated, and it’s simultaneously far more mundane than anyone would like to believe.


Come on, you love it.

Anyway, we’re all still a little giddy. Give us some time.


In linguistics, this is called an error of production, versus an error of competency. In very practical terms, his tongue got a little ahead of his brain. As noted, the offending word was simply misspoken, rather than replaced.


Fortunately there’s a new product specially designed for Democrats who need to grow a pair…


And if he doesn’t, free will is a thing; nobody’s forcing anyone else to read/comment here.




both statements are true

Is that what I’ve been feeling in the small of my back for the last four years?

Well, he’s not wrong. I’m pretty sure that the orange shitstain has incited a few anti-US erections in Russia, N. Korea, etc…

It was a dicksome event.

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