Church resembles penis

Although, I would point out that at least everybody else made a dick joke. Participate! Keeps you from looking uppity and judgmental.

You would NOT believe what they use for holy waterā€¦

i live in dixon il and drive by this building every day. its the christian science reading room. from ground level you cant tell the shape. i cracked up when i saw the google photo. dixon was famous for the home town of ronny reagan and his statue on his horse and the woman who stole 50 million dollars from the city. now dixon has another thing to be proud of! a penis shaped church reading room!


I imagine out of the eight people that sat around the table when they reviewed the plans at least six saw the problem and were afraid to bring it up because number seven or eight makes a habit of shaming anyone who opens their mouth in opposition to anything.

Call it an educated guess.

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All it needs now is a strategically placed fountain at one end, just gushing and squirting.


Well, thatā€™s a bit of a cock-up, isnā€™t it?

Or maybe the Google folks came by on a shrinkingly cold day.

As big as it is itā€™s not surprising it takes a while to be erected.

Somewhere in Dixon, Illinois, is an architect with a juvenile sense of humor and a tremendous dislike of Christian Scientists. Iā€™d like to buy that person a beer.

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Thatā€™s quite an attempt at turning the tables, ye puerile racist. find better hobbies, please. the world has plenty of your brand already.

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Hey, and what about those black people, eh?!?

If you donā€™t understand why people see your comment as different from the other comments in this thread, I donā€™t really know if I can help you.


The Google Maps and Street View are actually totally bizarre. I think that there must be some warp in the space-time continuum around there ā€“ either that, or itā€™s a prank by Google engineers, and they didnā€™t mesh everything up right.

When I walk around in street view near the church, not only is the church not there ā€“ thatā€™s understandable, the pictures were taken at different times ā€“ but thereā€™s a big bridge on the street just South of the church. From the map, thereā€™s no logical place at all where such a bridge could be. Even weirder, as I walk around or through the bridge, a single step can zoom me to a place many blocks away from the bridge. I canā€™t even find the bridge coming from the other side.

Iā€™m fairly certain she was just going for the ha-ha.

Two blocks to the west (I assume), right past Monroe. Looks like a pedestrian bridge - actually, it looks like an old railroad bridge that might be used for foot traffic between a couple of wooded patches. In any case, the construction pictures are on the organizationā€™s Facebook page, and itā€™s pretty clear that what theyā€™re building is what shows up in the overhead shot.

Got it. If you drop the little guy right next to the penis to the South, you then have to actually walk East two blocks to really be at the right place, and youā€™ll see the columned house that used to be there.

There was obviously a cock-up with the Google Car coordinates. Either that or the Christian Scientists didnā€™t want to be caught with their pants down and admit to their boner of a design, soā€¦ no, screw it, Iā€™m out of puns.

Christ, what anā€”

umm, errā€¦

yeah, nevermind.

Ahhh, yes! And in a few days, when my family is gathered around the table for Thanksgiving, and I look into their smiling Asian and African and Native and Euro mix-n-match faces, I will speak of this.
And trust me. Iā€™m going to bring it up gently. And respectfully. Reverently, even. So they donā€™t choke on their turkey when they guffaw. But I wonā€™t tell them about the Jesus-dick jokes. Because that would offend some.

would say that upside down it looks already hung out to dryā€¦

Christian Science Dickson!

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