Churro-flavored Kit Kat drops on International Churro Day, June 6

Originally published at: Churro-flavored Kit Kat drops on International Churro Day, June 6 | Boing Boing

KitKats are just the poor relatives to Norway’s magnificent Kviklunsj bar which comes with decent chocolate and handy mountain survival hints on the inside of the wrapper.

Flavored KitKats are terrible.

A friend of mine went to Japan and brought me matcha-flavoured KitKats. They’re actually green and taste vaguely like tea.

I think it’s entirely hit or miss, just like it is with oreos.

Gingerbread? Gag worthy. Mint chocolate? I’d get those again.

Avoid the blueberry/stawberry flavors at all costs. Tastes like wax nothing.

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