Cillian Murphy in the first trailer for Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer

Originally published at: Cillian Murphy in the first trailer for Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer | Boing Boing


I love Cillian Murphy…

Cillian Murphy Reaction GIF

And it’s kind of well past time that Oppeenheimer got a biopic, yeah? What a pivotal figures in world history, and he’s not nearly well-enough known, I’d argue. Not just for his contributtions to atomic science, but for her opposition to the bomb, and his treatment by the government after the war for his stance.


I’m excited for the movie as well (although Murphy is an odd choice for the role, although maybe not as odd as Dwight Schultz, Murdock from the A-Team, who played Oppenheimer in 1989’s Fat Man and Little Boy).

As for not being well enough known, I’d say he’s probably the second or third most famous physicist of the 20th century – obviously Einstein is #1 and it’s a toss up if #2 is Oppenheimer or Feynman. And there have been numerous films about the Manhattan Project were Oppenheimer was a character, and they all include his dramatic “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds” quote. But you are correct in that his post-war years such as his 1954 security hearing where he lost his security clearance haven’t been much dealt with.

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As was pointed out here when this was first announced, Oppenheimer was dreamy when younger:


Murphy is physically perfect for the role. And his acting chops go without question.


And he’s got style! I guess that’s where “Heisenberg” copied his hat from, which makes sense in so many ways


You forgot John Cusack:

John Cusack GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment


I completely agree although his accent slips here and there in the trailer. I hope the short sample isn’t an indication of how often. It’s a little distracting but otherwise forgivable for what I expect to be THE 2023 performance.


Though it’s a bit early in 2023 to make assumptions.


Nuh. Stephen Hawking easily beats both of those


But are they smarter than Reed Richards or Batman?


Yeah, although he was playing a fictional character so you could argue in this universe the guy became a physicist instead of a record shop owner or other more notable Cusack roles. Although the character he plays (who dies after a laboratory accident exposes him to radiation unlike what happens in superhero origin stories) is actually loosely based on the two scientists who died working on the so called “demon core”

Two days ago. Coincidence?


Not entirely. Nolan’s film is based on Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin’s Pulitzer Prize winning book about Oppenheimer, American Prometheus, and both authors were involved in the movement to get this to happen.


Timer/clock display shown near end of trailer, definitely Nixie tubes. Fail, not introduced until 1955 by Burroughs.


Makes sense. I thought there must have been something to bring this to the Biden administration’s attention. It’s a good thing. A Republican administration would not have done this.

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I’m prepared to say this is a great casting choice. The film already looks to hold the ample amounts of drama, tension, and calamity over a split second that changed the world - and continues to change the world - for better or for worse, for ever.

I was impressed by the 2007 UK series Nuclear Secrets, which had an episode featuring Oppenheimer. You may be able to catch it here:

um, everybody in the world wore hats in the 1940s


Gives off a Portrait of the Physicist as a Young Poet vibe.


Hopefully, it’s not something from the film.