Citing Trump as their role model, 2 white guys in Boston beat homeless Latino man nearly to death

I don’t think it’s ok to generalize the entire Republican party as this, anymore than it’s ok for FOX news to generalize all Democrats as libtards and radicals hell bent on the downfall of society into anarchy.

Could this not be an opportunity for the Republicans to tell Trump they are not going to let him run on their platform any more? Can they rebuke his party membership? Bringing the party into disrepute?

Do they really need the votes of people who would condone this? Couldn’t they get more by making some kind of stand?

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:musical_note: One of these things is not like the others

Here’s why I think it IS ok to do that -
The republican party leaders are on record as being against:
Women being in control of their own bodies
Voter protection laws
Gay marriage
Equal pay
And FOR endless war and never ending spiral UP of defense spending.
It’s not like I’m making these things up.


I’m pressing the “Like” button so hard right now you don’t even… I noted that resemblance having seen, for the first time, that exact episode two or three days prior to the most recent debate, and it’s a dead ringer. And without wanting to go Godwin…well, Hitler basically became shouty, racist and vague, tuned into the core disenfranchised of German society and cranked on the vacuous, empty lies and mistruths with devastating effect.


A poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


Lookit their mugshots…

Scott’s thoughts:

“Ha, I’m so fucking cool, everyone in the neighbourhood is gonna hear about this shit, I’m Winning!”

Steve’s thoughts:

“Geezus Goddam Christ WHY DO I ALWAYS LISTEN TO SCOTT!!? I’m going back in for sure now, and he’ll probably be there too! :frowning:


This just in:
Donald Trump changes tone on Boston attack


Learned something new today…thank you!


The problem is, no one in the party ever comes out against any form of bigotry anymore. This is not the Republican party of your parents or grandparents. There is no rational, reasonable, moderate side of the party left. They’ve literally been run out of office BY THE PARTY ITSELF. As in, the party funds challengers to take out moderate Republicans who are not sufficiently bigoted and hateful in their policies. If current Republicans don’t want to be considered as a monolith, they need to stop supporting the party acting like this.


Is that true, though? I was under the impression that the mainstream, cynical corporatist wing of the Republican party (the actual power base as opposed to the constituency) hates the man and would like nothing better than to freeze him out of the primaries.

As far as his appeal to the conservative movement – here’s a nice argument that they’ve been moving towards fascism* since Rush Limbaugh’s heyday.

*“Fascism” used in a principled way, not to mean simply “something I do not like”.

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You still cannot claim an entire party of registered voters are this based on those at the top.

Just because some dogs are chihuahuas does not mean ALL dogs are chihuahuas.

But when your party is openly anti gay, woman and people of color… Either you support it or you don’t.


Talk about a day late and a dollar short. Literally. Because losing money is what he’s best at. He’s lost more money in the last ten years than I’m likely going to lose over the course of my life. Fuck’m.


Even that statement is mealy mouthed shite.

He doesn’t condone it? That’s the best he can do?


Yeah. Well we all know where his head went when first confronted with the situation. Also note this:

The proposals have roiled the GOP field, with even Jeb Bush, who has presented himself as a moderate on immigration, vowing to crack down on parents of “anchor babies” who abuse the system.

Read more: Trump changes tone on Boston attack - POLITICO

We saw this in Australia with Pauline Hanson, a racist anti immigration politician who captured a lot of the popular vote. It wasn’t just the damage she did directly, her popularity allowed John Howard to implement the disgusting refugee system we still have to this day, and even our supposedly left leaning Labor party capitulated then and still capitulates to this day.

Edit: Sorry this has been bothering me, the Labor party first capitulated, then came to power and actively expanded the system, and now have resumed capitulating from opposition.


There are times when an opposing political party merely represents legitimate differences of opinion about how important issues should be dealt with. Differences in emphasis in the degree to which governments should intervene in markets, or how interventionist the foreign policy of a country should be, “the loyal opposition”, reasonable people can disagree, etc. etc.

Then there are times when a political party goes so far off the rails that it is no longer possible to support that party without being some combination of crazy, stupid or evil. The U.S. Republican party hit that point at least twenty years ago.


I’m in the midst of entertaining a family from Germany, and one of the teenagers saw that Time cover and asked, incredulous: why is Donald Trump on the cover of a major national magazine? It’s not even their political system, and they know enough to be flabbergasted.

We are doomed.