Citing Trump as their role model, 2 white guys in Boston beat homeless Latino man nearly to death

That’s because he’s a totally sociopathic asshole…

That is a remarkable level of willful ignorance if not sheer appreciation of brutality. Could he maybe offer up even a nano-sliver of empathy for the now-stomped and still-homeless guy? Can the homeless guy sue the idiots for civil damages?

Don’t you have to believe it first before you can think to say it?


Excellent point and one that frightens me a little. The slopes attached to said Nativism are slippery from the blood of rape, murder and genocide.


This is what trump wants to happen. It’s his message in action and he gets to stand back with no crime that can be linked to him. My vision of justice would admittedly lower me to the level of these thugs…and yet…and yet


No fucking way he said that. Like there is no fucking way.

OK I checked, that’s what he said.

I want to make a joke about him being really ‘classy’ or something, but there’s a homeless guy in hospital who nearly got beat to death. There’s nothing funny about this.

Trump is fucking dead inside, he’s a foul husk of rotting, rancid ambition. He is the walking embodiment of everything that is wrong with the US.

The joke is over. He’s dangerous and people are starting to get hurt. You are a few unlikely but not implausible campaign turns away from a real live dystopian nightmare.


And it’s kind of terrifying… The banality of evil and all that.


Certainly not for anyone who aspires to political office.


There’s an episode of “Black Mirror” called “The Waldo Moment”, where an animated shock TV show character enters the electoral race as a joke and gets voted in, because he “says what everyone is thinking”. It’s looking less and less like science fiction.


/ off topic

I think that’s what was so great/horrifying about those two series, is that every episode was on the fringes of ‘that could actually happen…’.


So can any charges be levied against trump here? Given his response I think you could make a pretty good argument that he’s inciting violence. He’s in a position of power and responsibility and is literally condoning the inexcusable actions of these monsters.

For the actual perpetrators, the death penalty is inhumane and fundamentally about revenge, not justice - but in this case I think you could make a case for euthanasia. Seriously though I hope they do some serious time for this, they need to be kept away from the general public until they learn how to behave like civilised human beings, that is something the justice system is there for.

/ continuing off topic

Brooker noted, “each episode has a different cast, a different setting, even a different reality. But they’re all about the way we live now – and the way we might be living in 10 minutes’ time if we’re clumsy.”


This is awful but I think these guys are too much a part of Trump’s brand image for him to want to risk saying anything that might alienate them. I’m surprised he didn’t throw in a shot of blaming the victim.

Then again I haven’t read his whole statement.


I was thinking that before this; he is an almost perfect representation of everything despicable; all he needs to do to reach the pinnacle is blame a few natural disasters on gay marriage and abuse some animals or something. But I think his statement here scored him a few more vileness points.


Honestly? It’s considered a feature, not a bug. Think about how we treat violence against women, GLBT people, and of course anyone with dark skin. Every single week in churches across the country right wing politics is preached from the pulpit, but we don’t pull their non-profit status, now do we? This is nothing new.


I clicked “like” on your comment, but it still makes me sad, though everything you say is correct…
The fact that for the last several months this guy has been treated as just some sort of “comic relief” - although those that find him funny should take a long look at themselves - rather than a dangerous, horrifying person is shocking.


I’m not giving Trump a pass on this one in the slightest, but let’s be honest here. These two miscreants would have done something like this regardless of Trump’s inspiration. In fact I bet they have done this sort of thing (i.e. attacked an individual merely based on their crime of not being white) before.

So these two are the bottom dwelling pond scum of our nation. What is concerning to me is not that THEY would support Trump and his megalomaniac and racist attitudes…What bothers me is that my Father LOVES Trump regardless. Its bad enough that he thinks Trump is great on his own accord…but any reasonable person would see this and say “hmmm. maybe I should reconsider backing a guy who these two jackwagons like. Maybe Trump isn’t a good candidate after all.”

But no. My Dad would vote for him in a heartbeat if he is the Republican nominee. I always said…if Hitler was the Republican and ran against George Washington the Democrat…my dad would pull that Red lever without batting an eyelash.


Check up thread. One of the attackers was convicted of a hate crime and did time for it.

My condolences for your father. I come from a long line of filthy socialists, unionists and democrats.


You just described the bulk of the republican base.
The mask has been ripped off. The party stands for racism, sexism, xenophobia, hatred of all things not white and a race to the bottom.
I generally feel that the people at the top and/or running stuff behind the scenes don’t get all squeamish when they have to talk to a gay man or black woman - but they happily will use bigotry to further their cause. Therefore, that’s their platform.


Well, I guess it is there, where I am you’d be prosecuted under hate speech laws. Actions have concsequences and all that.

I’m at risk of turning this into a freeze peach debate…

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