Citizen pulls over Texas State Trooper for speeding

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Wow, gutsy guy!

(In before commentary on testicular size.)


I’m damned surprised here: since the headline wasn’t something like Texas State Trooper shoots citizen for pulling him over, I had assumed Philip Turner was white. The trooper actually seemed deferential in the video, something else that surprised me. (Although I’m sure this will affect his treatment by the other officers.)


“Turner is a police accountability activist”


I had no idea this was a thing. I see patrol cars driving really badly in non-emergency situations fairly often, but felt it couldn’t be helped.


Cop Watch organizations have been around for a good long while. The ubiquity of cell phone cameras helps a lot, imagine. If you’re in the U.S. and want to get involved search your state + cop Watch (or if you live in a big city, your city + cop Watch).

Many of them look really awesome and, last I looked, they’re usually locally run and organized. I think one of Los Angeles’s has been running for about 30 years.


Nice, thanks for the information.

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He was very professional and I strongly believe this is how officers should behave when they are confronted for doing something wrong on camera.



Wait… so he tailed the cop car for over five minutes at speeds around 90 MPH? To get the cop car to explain why he was speeding?

He had the license plate on camera. A car chase was dumb. Besides making the road even less safe than it was before, the cop could have easily ticketed him.



citizens arrest!! citizens arrest!!


That guy has some dedication to fighting a citation, since this was recorded after 10 PM. I assume he was driving a long drive to stay somewhere so he could be in court in the morning.

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Sounds incredibly dangerous!


[Balls of Steel Award]

Unlike the typical Texas Trucknutz pillock, this dude seems to have the vege.

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Yes! What police need is oversight, and this is how it works.

It is dangerous - but then again, letting unchecked armed police run amok is also dangerous.

The hard part is to not be intimidated by the possible and very real threats of violence and/or death. My experience has been that maybe 20% of cops pulled over conduct themselves in such a courteous manner, 70% react with measured indignance, and 10% with violence. But YMMV depending upon where you are, and other particulars such as the oft-noted race and class cues.

Cops often dig themselves deeper with wise cracks:

“Is that your car? What am I going to find if I search it? You got any drugs or weapons in there?”
“SEARCH MY CAR! I’d love to see you try.” (goes into tough-guy stance)
“Thank you for your co-operation and your consent.”
"… !!! ??? (what do we do?)"

Last time I pulled a cop car over was in Boston where cops never, but never, bothered to ever use their turn signals. I told them that I had observed them turn without signalling like twenty times. And I gave them the ultimatum that they were allowed to be police only if they conducted themselves lawfully in public, including traffic laws. That particular guy doubled down in a pathetic way.

“Yeah, well… I need to have an advantage over The Bad Guys ™, so if I don’t use my signals, I can catch them, because they won’t know which way I’m gonna go!”

“You’re probably “gonna go” file an accident report once you get out of the hospital, after you cause a preventable collision. But it’s your lucky day, because I can put a stop to that right now. You’ll thank me later.”



After having lived in an apartment above a fairly busy intersection for nearly a year I’m convinced that many of the sirens blaring outside my window are police simply returning to the station (small town, one station, cars going in that direction after recently racing by in the other direction).

I’ve wondered if this is SOP but I can’t see why it would be that important to get cruisers back to the station ASAP.


.>crackle< By the way guys, Joey said there’s only one jelly left at Dunkin Donuts! >crackle<


The Black Panthers started out as a police accountability orginization. Their original goal was to witness and/or document police encounters with citizens in an effort to protect the safety (and civil rights) of citizens.

We citizens have rights. It’s good to see this example of an ordinary citizen actually holding an officer Accountable. And I suppose I should also give credit to the officer too. To some degree. At least he owned up and wasn’t a prick about it.


Just in DC a couple days ago and we had a classic: flashing your lights when there’s no emergency so that you can get to the diner faster for breakfast.

The day after this happened, someone else tried to pull over a cop for speeding and it didn’t end so well for them:


Wow, if there’s ever a situation for the phrase “check your privilege” that’d be the right one to tell that to a cop.

Holy fuck. Just read through that article, and saw the video. When the guy says he wanted to record the officer being dangerous and breaking the law and that earns him an insta-arrest. That’s the point of evidence showing the cop is unfit for any position in government. That reaction proves that he’s too corrupt to be an officer of the law, and it’s intolerable we have anyone who’d react like that in law enforcement. It’s not like cops actually ticket each other anyway. He could lose face, or he could prove he’s as corrupt as any dirty cop.

Pretty sure braking like that could be considered assault with a deadly weapon as well, even if they’re following too closely. At least in my kangaroo court. I really really hate being tailgated. It’s probably the most enraging thing that I experience on the road. Yet I don’t brake check anyone. Because I’m not a moron, and I know that if I caused someone to be injured or killed, it’d eat me alive.

not so for this fuckwad pig.