City official resigns after throwing cat in the air and drinking beer during Zoom meeting

I mean, cats are horrible. Despicable creatures all around. It’s either, “I have a box of shit in my house” or “I advocate bird murder and multi-species extinction”.

But throwing them is messed up.

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I’m sure you’re right!

I’ve loved this site since I found out about it in 2000, and Xeni as well. I’m a fellow cancer survivor. I’m not a fan of when I see article titles which seem to deliberately conflate something into something it’s not, possibly for the sake of spicing up a story or generating clickbait. Nobody is perfect (purrfect?), and I’m also tempted to oversell a link sometimes in order to generate interest in it. But if hyperbole or conflation becomes a pattern (like I have perceived here over the past several months), I lose a little faith in the credibility of the person or people doing that. This is a private blog/content aggregation/commentary site, and it doesn’t necessarily need to have credibility or any particular set of standards. I’m just saying it’s not what I like to see here.

I have a cat that I rescued, fostered, adopted out, and re-rescued six years later, and I love it and treat it very well. I’d probably treat it exactly the same way on a Zoom call, if I were throwing it onto a couch or a bed or something where I’d know it wouldn’t get injured, for the laughs and absurdity. If anyone thought I was actually abusing the cat, they would be welcome to check out that fantasy with me.


ok I feel bad for my impulsive comment deriding your position. this is a kind hearted response and yes I suppose you shouldn’t toss your cat ever. I have a cat that I love very very dearly. And I am an animal lover that has, to varying degrees, actively worked in anti animal cruelty movements. It is because I see my cat and others frequently wrestling, rough housing, jumping from counters - I assume, I think fairly, that this cat is fine. It did not look like something that was in any way likely to injure it - to my perception. I felt it was unfair to characterize this as abuse - because of ‘actual’ cases of abuse I’ve witnessed calling this that feels strange and maybe a bit alarmist. I think the perception that this was too rough for the cat was enhanced by its vocalization - which to be fair it was already being vocal before the guy picked it up. That said, if you are coming from a place of concern about the cat I respect that and should not have spoken (typed) the way I did. I do know people can be too rough with their cats in terms of tossing them about, and I am in no way condoning that. I just think that this isolated example of this man tossing his cat to the side falls well short of any measure of abuse - much less being something he should need to resign over. As others have pointed out, there has to be much more to the resignation than this. I have tossed my cat Maggie to the side in a similar manner - and would be shocked and saddened if she was injured by it - and also dismayed if someone called it abuse. She is the light of my life and I lavish her with treats and attention! While I stand by my claim that this does not meet the threshold to being called abuse - I apologize for my tone and deeply respect your concern for the animal. namaste.


Thank you. I appreciate that.


sometimes I click over to boingboing after being on much rowdier forums and evirons on ‘teh internet’ and am not acclimated or appropriately dressed to and for the environment here. I will comment crudely, boisterously, and sometimes, unfortunately, thoughtlessly. In short, I walk in here like a muddy street urchin into a stranger’s lovely kitchen knocking over vases and being an idiot. gotta grow up.


The bear tossed him back. It was revenge for the cat.


Seems like a nice guy as far as ass wipes go. Hope that kitty took some skin off his arms on the way down!

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Cats, beer, work meetings, I’d like to see this melange more often.

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All that the “does not reflect our core values” boilerplate yammer does is make me want to ask “so, which town does have cat tossing as a core value,” and make mock city seals for Valejo with cod-latin mottoes like “Non Cattus Tossus” etc.


That’s not a cat.

This is a cat!

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You have to do way more than that to get a federal appointment these days.

Looks like his position was in jeopardy anyway.

…days before the Vallejo City Council was set to consider a resolution removing him from the seven-person commission.

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Noticed the same thing about a significant portion of the under-5 set.


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