Civil War reenactor put pipe-bomb on pretend battlefield to frame antifa

Worth noting that all these false-flag accusations, planted signs, inauthentic rabble-rousing is a main ingredient in the RW recipe. Trying to discredit their opponents with fake anything is so refined, it’s at every layer. The catalog models they’ve hired into every position from commentator to politician. The creeps that start rumors and invent bogeymen for all the chan-bots (more fakery) to spread, the robotically coordinated fake hysteria over nonsense, it’s worth it to remember that their heroic efforts to “win” at whatever game they think they’re playing is really not about any deep convictions. It’s tribalism, greed, infantile pettiness and spite. There isn’t any principle behind it. If there was, all this inauthentic garbage wouldn’t be in constant use. If you have to resort to it, you don’t have policy, you have arrested development.


Arrested Development Treason GIF


There are also English Civil War reenactors.


Revolutionary War battle reenactment in Lexington and Concord Massachusetts, USA every Patriots Day. The revolutionaries always win.


Or they could go old school, like @gracchus; or, maybe gracchus is a Portland Timbers’ fan.


Although I’m in sympathy with Portland antifa and am sure that the Timbers are a fine soccer team, I chose the colour combo for my three-arrows social democracy avatar mainly because I like it.

The background story about the fans’ anti-fascist leanings is also great.

Back on-topic, my guess is that this clown went with a poorly rendered anarchy symbol to symbolise antifa. These dopes have limited imagination and knowledge and a lot of them think the A stands for “antifa”.


If reenactors really wanted to give people a look at what the Civil War looked like they should also go with very graphic recreations of what went on inside the medical tents. A dude with less than a day of training sawing off a guy’s half broken off leg with an unwashed off saw, people dying of gangrene and diarrhea, big pile of cut off limbs sitting out in the sun giving off a foul odor, a doctor trying to save a guy’s face that got a third of it blown off with the limited medical knowledge they had at the time compared to today. That would dampen certain southerners’ view of the war if they see shit that would make the Saw movies look like Sesame Street.


That may make southern people in cities turn away, but rural folks are out blastin’ hogs and deer, and sawing off the parts they want to eat. They’d get some of the point, but not the pointless part.


People often like revisiting the story about something important more than actually wanting to relive the event. See also the popularity of Gone with the Wind, Glory, Lincoln, Birth of a Nation, War and Peace…


Don’t forget the grammarians who thought that English should be more elegant and stuck a bunch of Latinate endings and verb forms on it.

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Frederick MD has a museum devoted to the topic, but also has residents with flags and bumper stickers of the Confederate flag.


Did someone say civil war medicine?


When the tall ships visited Kingston, Ontario a few years back, a contingent of War of 1812 reenactors set up camp there.


And it wasn’t even period correct, I’d bet.


Yes, I know that. That’s why I literally posted a link to a Wars of the Roses reenactment website. But thanks for pointing out to me the thing that I said. That was helpful. (I apologize for the snark, but c’mon)

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I’ll take any excuse to re-post this:


I didn’t look at the link. Apologies.


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