Classified documents found in Trump's storage unit

Odds that Ivana will be disinterred just went way up.


Rinse and repeat at every other Trump property


Except he has not shown any interest in building said library and I think there has to be initiative on the part of the former president. I don’t think it’s an automatic thing… his presidential papers can very well reside at one of the already existing NARA facilities…


Lots of presidential libraries were created by fans of a President after that President’s death so unfortunately we are still at risk of seeing an official Trump Presidential Library as long as he still has living fans. I also suspect that one reason he hasn’t shown any interest in establishing one himself is because that would be a sort of acknowledgment that his time as President is over.


He’s never met a grift he doesn’t like. I imagine his first priority is seeking the presidency/overthrowing democracy/coronation, which is coupled to his efforts to stay out of jail. When he no longer has pretensions of regaining power, the library fund may be one of the things he uses for walking around money. If it ever gets built, it’ll be a for-profit “library”, with restaurants, golf course and gift shop.

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But he’s also lazy, so he’ll never do it himself.

I’m sure there are some rules that would put a firewall between the official presidential library which is a NARA facility after all, and whatever else a president would want to tack on. Here in ATL, Carter’s library is also where his foundation is headquartered.


True, likely not a project he’ll actually work on, but he knows the Best People.


I mean… have you seen his “best people”…


yikes. yeah, filled with 3 tons of items, many of which we can assume, like the documents, are not owned by him; the gsa moved it all there; and presumably the gsa still pays rent from now till the end of time

one also has to wonder is this the only one that exists?

ikea warehouse GIF



Wondering when Ivana Trump’s putative resting place will be breached, for yet another bizarre reveal of even more documents.


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