Clueless Georgia governor had no idea coronavirus could spread without symptoms "until the last 24 hours"

"Experts tell White House " - I’m gonna stop you right there.

The Secret Service has been told to background check everyone who enters the White House, and to deny entry to anyone with a diploma in anything other than politics or marketing. Experts are not allowed on the grounds, and are certainly not permitted to speak to The Impeached One.


I was about to post that “asymptomatic transmission” has far too many syllables for this dipshit to be able to parse what the words mean; I doubt he can cope with words of more than two syllables, and count higher than ten without taking his shoes and socks off.
Actually, maybe he can count as high as twelve just using his fingers…


I’m skeptical that this isn’t just an excuse.


Yeah I would also be worried about ventilators which only partly work. Like they are fine for the first six hours of operation then become intermittent. Its going to be the same for a lot of gear which was shut down during the crisis, then started up again,

My wife and I are Veterinarians (read as “not real doctors” and “how cute, an animal Dr.”), and we knew as soon as some real info started coming out of China.

For a human epidemiologist to claim ignorance is ridiculous dishonesty that since she’s operating in a professional capacity, should result in the revocation of her medical license.


I wonder if lawyers were consulted for his statement.

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Yes, Dr. Toomey is either lying or absolutely should not be charge of anything related to public health. No doubt, both of those are probably true.

One of the issues here–and, of course, it’s a national issue, it’s just more acute in the South–WTF isn’t the Dem party nailing Kemp and Toomey to the public shaming wall? Your political opponent is killing old white people (among others but let’s start there) and you can’t make political hay out of it? WTF are the Dems letting Trump and Kemp pose as a leaders? Why aren’t Dems calling for an investigation into Toomey misleading the public? None of this stuff is crazy hard. Those “Presidential” CDC cards with the Trump brand that everyone received? There are plenty of doctors (maybe all of them) who see the problems with having Trump and Kemp take the lead so have doctors show up at Dem press conferences. In Georgia, the Dems should call for social distancing and tell everyone how to do it and then publically shame and shame again Kemp and Toomey. Arguably, it’s even worse in Alabama where the governor is still resisting a stay-at-home order . . .


All that noise about how “it’s just like a flu”, and then they ignore that flu can spread asymptotically in the early stages.

People with flu are most contagious in the first three to four days after their illness begins. Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick.


I am neither. But as soon as the news hit that they cancelled Lunar New Year, I knew it was bad. I didn’t know it was necessarily spread by asymptomatic people (but that became clear soon enough), but China doesn’t cancel something like that for anything regular, mild or hard to spread.

The information about asymptomatic spread has been in the US media for months. Kemp is a manipulative fucker whose first move will always be to gaslight, rather than take responsibility.


Better late than never? At least he’s not calling it a hoax. Progress, of sorts.


If you listen to what she says, she was careful to avoid whether she already knew there was asymptomatic spread (of course she did) or whether she had told Kemp about it (she sure as hell should have). Instead she offered up some fud, talking about the models not including the asymptomatic patients to provide cover to Kemp’s obvious bullshit excuse for weeks of encouraging Georgians to perpetuate the virus’s spread

asymptomatically too


Bah! Firefox’s spelling-checker is the worst!


but the yellowstone volcano is trivia, It’s a theoretical danger, and there’s not much you can do about it,

covid-19 isn’t theoretical. And there’s a lot that could and can be done about it, if only people treated the information as more than trivial.


It was looking pretty asymptotic for a while there.




Nice, it can be added to.


I’m not sure that it’s fixable. It suggested “per-existing” instead on “pre-existing”.

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That’s my take on it, He is just flat out lying so as to suck up to the moron in chief.


It’s really scary that about 42% of the country is like this. I think social media broke us. We’ve given every idiot a platform and they’re amplified by Likes and Shares by other idiots. It’s absolutely insane that my own parents can’t even tell fact from fiction anymore.


I feel the same way about MOTUS, he is far from stupid. He knows his game and his audience very well, and he and his henchmen have been beating competition and the judicial system for decades. He is far from the stupid people I know.

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