Originally published at: Cocaine hidden in giant slabs of luncheon meat | Boing Boing
“Tromp” sounds like a name for a bad guy to me for some reason.
Cocaine is probably less dangerous than the rest of the luncheon meat.
Tromp was convicted this week of attempting to import Class A drugs and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
He went from driving a cooler to being stuck in one.
“Have you tried the new $20 foot long? It’s amazing! I’ve gotten so much work done. Rawr! Who wants to steal a car with me? I feel so alive!”
I can see why hiding drugs this way could be a clever way to create an alternate explanation for why the drug-sniffing dogs were getting so excited. “Of COURSE he’s sniffing around the meat shipment, he’s a DOG!”
UK border guys need a new patch…
Further sullying the reputation of luncheon meat. Terrible…
I’m surprised that the driver even knew that there were drugs in the meat. All he had to do was pick up a load from a warehouse in the Netherlands and deliver it to a warehouse in the UK.
Alternative headline: Brits relieved to find out lunchmeat didn’t contain any horse.
My experience with derivates of this stuff give me an odd taste of a long an horrible dentist treatment when reading this piece.
And that’s true for both of the products.
Homer lands a job at IKEA.
I’ve read about that place and they 100% need it. What rules can it possibly violate, ones they made during the hard exit from all the EU rules? Free this patriot! Then make them cook and sample a dish.
Sandwich is in Kent.
Not too far from where I live…
But I don’t like Spam cocaine…
I just had to look that up to verify it’s real. This makes me so damned happy.
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