Colorado representative calls colleague "Buckwheat" in house session

Not defending this asshole but his cowboy shtick is real. Colorado 64th district is a very rural area on the eastern plains full of nothing but farms and ranches as far as you can see. The district runs almost the entire length of the eastern half of the state from Nebraska to Oklahoma/New Mexico border. It’s the type of area where horses and cows far outnumber people.

My family settled in Akron (where this guy is from) in the 1840’s so I’m intimately familiar with the area.



Being a rich landowner with generational wealth does not a cowboy make. I seriously doubt he’s the one who is rounding up his cattle and taking them places. Even if he was, IT’S A FUCKING LEGISLATURE, NOT A FUCKING RANCH. He should probably grow out of the dumb “cowboys are the only real men, and they were all white” bullshit.


Thanks for the info! You’re right, maybe he has a ranch he inherited from his pa, and has migrant workers taking care of whatever he’s got on it. Get his hands dirty? I doubt it.

At least that’s my mental image of this asshole, and I’m sticking to it, facts be damned. :grinning:


The poverty rate in these areas is quite high. Farmer/rancher landowners are not that rich.

(I know this because we just sold the family farm after my grandma died and the price per acre is not very high. This is mostly non-irrigated farmland for crops like winter wheat that does not require irrigation. Water is very scarce in the high plains).

Outside of metro Denver area, Colorado is still very rural overall so the cowboy identity is strong. State legislators routinely wear hats, boots, etc. It’s actually considered traditional clothing even n the chambers.

Again…I’m NOT defending him. This type of bullshit is very offensive to me and is totally unacceptable.


I doubt he is. Which is who we’re talking about, not the people who live in his district. FFS.


(takes grass stem out of mouth)

“I think what we have here is one of them there ‘virtue signalers’ we hear tales about.”


“If I walked indoors with mah hat on, granny would commence to beat me about the brow until I corrected my infraction. Though it seems today, not as many gentlemen remove their hats indoors.”


Irrelevant; dude is still an asshole and a bigot. I don’t give a happy fuck if he’s “a real cowboy” or not.


I’ve always viewed these politicians in their clean white hats as cosplayers.


He’s a rich landowner, so cosplay, with a generous heaping of racism.


Trying to come up with a term that the representative would hate, but couldn’t say he hated. Maybe Gomer?

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At best, illiterate, lazy and incomprehensible. So, yeah, racist AF.


I bet he’s part of the “he-man woman haters” club too…


Men who wear hats and take them off when going indoors are gentlemen…


He just meant that when he was growing up they referred to all of their “blacks” that way. Since no one ever beat the ever loving shit out of him for it, they were naturally in on the joke. See?




Question from outside the USA:
Is the term outside of the Our Gang connotation considered racist?

If I were to go somewhere and order buckwheat noodles or pancakes is it going to look like that Salsa ad where someone brings salsa from New Jersey?

Also is there history prior to Our Gang or is that the point of origin?


“I apologize if I offended anyone in any way. It is not my intent,” Holtorf said. “If anyone would like to talk with me afterwards, I’d be more than happy to visit with them.”

It’s the racist shit cherry on the racist shit sundae.
And, even then, he won’t even bring you the racist shit sundae. You have to come to him for it.

Well, it will be difficult to find a culinary explanation if he uses “Stymie”.


If you used the word in a context where you were clearly referring to food then I doubt anyone would take it as anything other than the dictionary definition. I don’t know how you would talk about buckwheat pancakes without using the word “buckwheat.” But obviously this guy was using the word in a completely different context and his racist meaning was very clear.

Not that I’m personally aware of or have been able to dig up. One of the other popular characters on the show was a white kid named Alfalfa, so maybe the show’s writers just had a thing about grains?


Your granny was right. And those who do not remove their cover indoors are not gentlemen. Even if all they have on top is a gimme hat. One does not wear a hat indoors.


so, only somewhat rich