"Common knowledge" that Alabama GOP Sen. candidate Roy Moore dated teens

Ugh, you are reminding me of an underage classmate whose mother was thrilled to let a 30-something guy take her to the prom…


Mark Foley made the mistake of picking teenage boys.


Good ol’ boy!

Can we at at least put the word “dated” in scare qoutes for this headline, if not a little [sic] aside…I know language is fluid, but I’d rather it not flow down that particular slope …


She was an adult.


I was a teenager in the 1970s, and I can confirm that at the time, “dating” did not always involve sex. But I agree it is weird, wrong, and disturbing. Still, without evidence, the “criminal” part would just be suspicion. A strong suspicion in a 32-year-old man.


weird. Yeah that’s the word that immediately comes to mind. quirky even.

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Reminds me of the word used in old machinist and mechanic’s magazines for strange, unusual, or semi-secret techniques that aren’t well known. Plenty of these had a column called ‘Machinist’s Kinks’ or something of the sort. I have compilation of such columns on my bookshelf somewhere. Somehow the meaning of ‘Kink’ has shifted a bit, but the meaning here of ‘things kept secret’ remains


Whatever Donald’s sins, he’s not been accused of pederasty. Moore, though, till his marriage, allegedly dated teenagers.


Dude you realize that is exactly what is going on now, right? Just because most women wed around 26 doesn’t mean there weren’t still significant numbers of teens being courted. These may not have been the NORM, but they were common enough.

Just like now, over all teens marrying is pretty rare in the US, but you still have like 200K in 15 years. Enough that Corey says, “The grooming of children to marry adult men is a common practice in American evangelical circles…”

Though words like “common” and “rare” can be subjective with out well defined meanings.



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