Competitive eater's jaw-dropping feat: 7 Pounds of Pho in 15 minutes (video)

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Pho is too good to waste by cramming it down as fast as they can!



100% this.

I can understand hot dogs but pho?


I’ve heard it said that the competitive eating competitions don’t worry about the large buff men - it’s the smallish women that strike fear in their hearts.

Seven pounds of food? Any nearby puppies and new babies would have the greatest fear in their hearts. blink


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At least the pho looks nice, like something you’re doing yourself good by eating. That said, I got bored after 10 seconds of watching a wobbly shot of a bowl with noodles in it and IDK how the rest of the event played out.

Yes, it looked well prepared.

I got bored after 10 seconds of watching a wobbly shot of a bowl with noodles in it

I fast forwarded :slight_smile:

Yes, that’s an option but my aesthetic sensibilities were shaken by the far too long shot, causing me to lose faith in the editor’s capabilities.

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