Confusingly, Florida's DeSantis denounces communism with a new holiday

Only certain forms of communism love central planning, unfortunately one of them is Marxism-Leninism. Central planning was one of the disagreements between the Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, SRs and anarcho-communists in the early days after the October Revolution.


Thank you, that was far more than I asked for and very well stated.


The problem is that under socialism, there’s a direct 1:1 correlation between action and effect. The government orders X done, and Y happens.

Capitalism always maintains the thin veneer of deniability.

Capitalism never killed anyone, it just furnished the gun, loaded the bullets, pointed out a target, and handed it to someone they knew would fire it- But it never actually pulled the trigger. Capitalism never drowned anyone, it just stood on the shore with a rope, asking what it was worth to them.

The ultimate symbol of capitalism is the mob boss: I’m just a simple businessman. Someone gets their legs broken or their house burns down, well, that’s clearly nothing to do with me, right? I just happened to be in the right place at the right time when they needed a hand, and now they owe me a favor.

Communism has been responsible for some truly heinous shit.
Capitalism allowed much worse. It’s enabled much worse. It’s encouraged much worse… But then it handed over the knife, took a step back and just watched everyone else do its dirty work.

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Trump may have been the one to do the first National day, but the thought of having a victims of communism day has existed for a while before: The Volokh Conspiracy - A May Day Proposal:

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