Originally published at: Texas' indicted Attorney General sends employees home to celebrate America's loss of citizen rights | Boing Boing
November can’t come soon enough.
I just hope enough people remember how they feel now when it comes.
Yes, it’s good to remember that the Troika is up for election in the fall.
I hope the death cultists believe their own bullshit & stay home on election day, because of ‘fraud’… and that Beto [along with these disasterous decisions by the SCOTUS] helps energize the Democrats to turn out in droves.
Texas: Autonomy! Self-sufficiency! Freedom! Honour! Chivalry!
Also Texas: Hey, citizen-snitches, earn $$$ in the privacy of your own home by denouncing your lady neighbours who traveled to another state to exercise their health freedoms!
I am already calling this Gilead Day, the holiday that marks the start of the christofacist state. The only holiday aside from Columbus Day I am dedicated to cancelling. “War on Christmas”? Fasten your seatbelts motherfuckers
When is he going to be tried for his crimes?
Too Republican to even given employees a day off properly. Working until noon is called a half day.
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