Originally published at: Conservative conference declares women to be the root of all evil, demands they give up hope (and their bodies) | Boing Boing
I wonder if there are similar conferences for young Black conservatives where attendees are lectured on the evils of the civil rights movement.
See also:
They can’t imagine anything different. They are stuck in Plato’s cave and reject the idea that there is anything other than the shadows their leaders show them.
“conference primarily consisted of career-working women telling women not to work” Another do as I say not as I do. Asshole hypocrites. Oh wait. That’s redundant.
so, in other words, a bunch of highly-paid women just trying to tamp down any future potential competition.
I want to spit glass. So goddamn tired of this timeline.
I can understand how a bunch of fascist women who have no intention of following their own advice can stand on stage and be hypocrites. I don’t understand why anyone would voluntarily listen to them, or react with anything other than hurled tomatoes and obscenities.
I see Sandra and Elizabeth Black are Drumpf supporters.
Oh, wait….
The original suffragettes had to overcome a surprising amount of resistance from fellow women who thought expanding voting rights to both sexes was a bad idea. Internalized oppression is a helluva thing.
aka “pulling the ladder up behind them”
… whatever that is
in case we wondered if they’d stop at just abortion
Let me add…
Women of America: “Sure, we’ll get right on with that .”
They’re still blaming Eve 6,000 years later.
Did you know that the word evil is short for Eve’s ill? You shouldn’t because it’s not at all true, but that never seems to matter to bigots, so.