Conservative Sinclair TV pundit resigns after threatening to sexually assault Parkland survivor

I just can’t even fathom how adults can imagine for even one second that threatening traumatized children with whom they disagree is okay. And it seems to be happening over and over again.



As a soccer coach and parent of 2 players/referees, I am amazed when I witness parents on the sidelines screaming at players and refs all sorts of obscenities and insults. The first thing I think is “These are kids!!!” I mean yes sometimes they maybe 18-20 something refs, and while they are technically adults…are they really?

I always tell parents of the kids I coach “If I witness you as a parent fighting/insulting a kid, I will personally escort you from the field and you will not be allowed back on the sidelines of my games. DO NOT get into a verbal disagreement with a child.”

And yet it happens in every youth sport on every single weekend. So why am I not surprised a weasel like this guy would do the same thing on the national stage.


Approximately, one half of the citizens of the United States are so habituated and hyped over their hatred of anything different than them, their visceral reaction is to lash out mindlessly and violently. I truly believe right wingers suffer from a deep, ingrained psychosis. That’s my take on it at least.


Technically it is rape with an object. So, yes it can also be a sexual assault, among other hideous and obscene right wing actions and thinking.


Adios Asshole!


The word that stuck out was ‘hot’, which moves it from the realm of mere aggravated sexual assault to something likely to cause serious injury or death. The English king Edward II was murdered that way (or at least so Christopher Marlowe claimed; historians are not convinced), probably providing the canonical model for all subsequent instances of “hot poker up the ass”. That particular method was chosen (again, according to Marlowe and the chroniclers from whom he had the story) because Edward was thought to enjoy anal sex as the receptive partner, and the enlightened minds of the time considered that this particularly gruesome death was an appropriate punishment for his vice.

Sticking other objects up someone’s ass uninvited constitutes rape; a hot poker, given its antecedents, suggests murderous intent with a side-order of cruelty (plus some sexual overtones).


I’m going to have to go with “Um, the temperature of the very rapey object doesn’t make it less rapey, it only adds the extra element of murderous violence (rather than only extreme sexual violence)”.


We are in perfect, if slightly inarticulate, agreement. I hadn’t intended to imply that one precludes the other. “Red-hot pokers: for when you want to be rapey and murderous at the same time.”


You’re my hero today! :grin:


Yep, red-hot pokers’ll do that!


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Roger That


It’s like having a fever: after it’s over the disease will be killed off or hiding in dark corners and you’ll feel much better.

Oh, interesting. It creates an interesting effect, it’s like a grander kind of period. Like, you had intended to write some more, but decided that no, it is all said, and so it is written .

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This is a game
These are kids
The refs are volunteers

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At this point, I’m just kind of curious what kind of thought process led to posting this. How did he think saying that on an extremely public forum would have any chance of a positive outcome?

Then again, he might have a future at The Atlantic, so who knows…


(I see what you did there.)

Let me just point out that it makes me sad that we need to have this conversation. “What exactly is the mixture of rape and murder with which the popular conservative commentator was threatening the bereaved 17-year-old?”


C’mon now man, “no true Scotsman” in 3, 2, 1…


Which part of “Christian Values” or “Family Values” do you not understand?

(I mean, anal rape with red hot pokers of underaged individuals was a part of my family values growing up, but of course my Dad is Asmodeus, one of the princes of hell…)