Conservative Sinclair TV pundit resigns after threatening to sexually assault Parkland survivor

How can someone be so utterly unaware?

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“They” claim “we’re” drunk?
What are you talking about? How does a poker solve your problem?


Routine doxing, terrorism, and murder and rape threats for anyone who disagrees with them. You know, Conservative Republicans and NRA spokesturds are a very good reason for the rest of us to own guns.


Keep the troglodytes out of this - for all we know they had much higher ethical standards than this asshole.


I know right? Who does this clown think he is, the president?


I suspect homophobes somehow can’t imagine anal penetration as having anything to do with sex. In their mind it is just an abomination if done voluntarily, or a just punishment if done involuntarily.

Whenever a pervert is sent to jail the conservative commenters start getting all excited about how they will get anally violated. I suspect it never crosses their minds that they are advocating for rape. One of the most satisfying things to me is to ask them how their family feels about their fetish for advocating rape. Because they often don’t get excited about rape after that. At least not publicly.


Isn’t this also a crime? Death threats etc…?

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Once upon a time a crazy right wing foreigner named Rupert Murdoch hired a serial sexual predator named Roger Ailes who, having the same political bent as Murdoch, was installed as permanent CEO of his new “news” operation, Fox News©. Their goal was to push extreme ideas like nationalism, jingoism, and to foster a general fear of the other so that they could get people elected who would never have otherwise even been considered. The ultimate goal of all of this was to dismantle the social systems of the United States not for ideological reasons but to make room for big tax breaks for the wealthy so that Murdoch and his billionaire buddies could have even greater numbers of green pieces of paper in locked rooms, which I realize seems like a strange goal but it really does seem to be the single thing Murdoch actually cares about - but I digress - Eventually this plan to push for better living conditions for the ultra wealthy attracted middle east oil money and royalty and that’s when things got really crazy and the duped portion of the population actually elected a person who has been the punchline of jokes about lunacy, self interest, cocaine, and the douchery of 1980’s Wall Street for 40+ years. And here we are.


Doesn’t this just fit nicely into the bicameral conservative mindset? On the one hand, we need fascism, censorship, and authoritarianism to “protect the children” rubbing up against their “threaten anyone who defies us” attitude.

As we sit right now, it really is NRA reactionaries vs. kids. I can’t believe it, but that is actually what is happening and it’s just fucking mind-boggling. This kind of barbaric abuse and harassment on the part of the right-controlled media isn’t new, but you usually only see it directed toward women and non-whites. Dismissive and patronizing, sure, but actively pursuing kids that is just fucking unheard of, even for them.

I’d like to be optimistic and suggest that things like this might help more people to realize how unbelievably toxic the culture of the right has become in the US and give them reason to question their allegiances, but the last couple of years have shown me the folly of such optimism.

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Maybe for some. Generally if someone is vociferously homophobic I think they are more likely to be gay. I think if people think of it as punishment there is likely a sexual element to that. It’s not only about inflicting pain, it’s about humiliation, and that has a sexual component.


This is a grown man. He might not be a genius but he was at least able to dress himself (I assume) and get himself a TV studio every day and hold down a steady job (for a while).

I simply do not understand how a reasonably intelligent adult could ever manage to come to the conclusion that it is a good idea to publicly announce their desire to sodomize a teenager with a hot poker because they disagree with that teenager’s views on gun control. Did NO red flags go up in his mind when he was writing that tweet?


I was ready to complain about the headline because I was sure the context would show he meant metaphorically and it always irks me when obvious joking or metaphorical statements are taken verbatim no matter who said them. It would still be horrible and wrong to say, but I assumed there was an upcoming interview or something which would provide more context.

I haven’t been able to find anything indicating that, however, so while I may suspect it was still metaphorical, I have no proof whatsoever and find the current headline fine.

I doubt this guy was actually heating up a poker, but I don’t think that’s the point. When people are making threatening statements, we need to think about the impact on the target of those statements, not just the intent of the person making those statements. The question is, would a reasonable person, given all the facts of the situation, be threatened by the statement.

We use lots of violent phrases to mean telling someone off or yelling at someone. If this guys comes from a place where “shove a hot poker up their ass” used in an equivalent way to how people I know have used “rip them a knew one” then I get how this could be a misunderstanding. If “kick their ass” was in discussion rather than literal then this isn’t about violence.

So maybe I’m too quick to judge this guy in the way I’m judging him. But I think it makes sense for David Hogg to be afraid of being physically attacked at this point, and I think it makes sense for him to take comments like this as potential real threats. Even if Ted Nugent wouldn’t really shoot Hogg on sight, it’s possible that someone who listens to Ted Nugent will.

This is a person who works in communicating to the public, I think it’s reasonable to have high expectations for him to understand what he is saying and its impacts. I think expecting him to understand that a public threat deadly sexual assault against a teenager might be taken as a threat isn’t too high a bar.


I think operating under the false impression that this slime mold has a mind.

The charming world of soccer… when someone’s acting normal and decent is the rare exception.

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