Conservatives heckle Donald Trump Jr. at book-signing



Personally, it concerns me that there’s large groups of right-wingers who are so extreme that they’re emboldened to attack Don Jr. for not being hateful enough and are willing to boo him off the stage of his book launch for not promising to be more evil.


Really by most accounts, Trump has never read his own book, “The Art of the Deal,” so what are the chances that he read Jr.s book?


I’m kinda cringing at the word “conservative” in the headline. A conservative is someone who likes lower taxes or family values. Even someone who wants to return to a mythical version of the 1960s that never existed. These people are white nationalist conspiracy theorists. There is nothing conservative about them.


To give Newsom any benefit of the doubt presumes he didn’t know what she’s like and she hid her lack of political values and mercenary nature from him. I don’t get the impression either are true (especially given how completely obvious she is now, and how she’s always been an openly conservative greedhead); rather that he was fine with all that because, like a lot of politicians, he’s rather mercenary himself. She may have been more extreme, but they were together because they were similar, both interested in power. Newsom has turned to the left, and because that’s what he needed to do to make it California politics, not because he’s personally motivated by those values.

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I don’t know, a friend of mine once dated someone who was new to the country and barely spoke any English (and didn’t speak one bit of anything but English). They basically couldn’t speak to one another. While any account of this relationship might be plausible, people just aren’t necessarily attracted to one another because they are able to agree about anything. For all we know they had a shared love of knitting and Neon Genesis Evangelion and never spoke about politics aside from a “Hey, I won the governorship,” “Good for you, honey!”

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That was pretty clearly not the case here, though. I mean:

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Fun fact though, women can’t win if they play with the system OR against it. If they’re beautiful and smart, they are conniving and using their looks to trap you. If they’re beautiful and dumb, well, of course they are dumb because the hot ones always are. If they are not beautiful, they’re garbage so let’s not even talk about those ones.

This woman is clearly not a great human being, but do me a favor and stick to judging this individual on her actions, and stop generalizing to your pet theories about women.

It’s a pet theory about a particular type of woman I’ve encountered over the years. Her actions and approach are not unique to her, and their outcomes say just as much if not more about both Newsom and Donnie Jr.

By the same personal experience, women who work against the Patriarchy instead of embracing it are always winners as far as I’m concerned, even if I don’t agree with them on all the details.

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