Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 2)


I think you know me well enough to know that are not only share your sentiment but am inclined to act in manners not suitable to discuss here if I came face to face with some of those entitled buggers.

But my anger and even hatred have changed nothing so far, in my personal surroundings as in society.

In this case, I am really glad that the message got retweeted.
Iā€™m willing to try the tactics on people who have more power than I do. I would not call it emotional intelligence, btw. Itā€™s just a special form of subordination, IMO.

But even that I am willing to try. Iā€™m desperate for having results.

Latest stuff here: in-law of my coworker, working at an insurance company, has a colleague who tested positive. Felt sick on Friday. Employer send him home. Developed a cold on the WE. Fucking went to work on Monday, because itā€™s "just a coldā€™, and also Covid is just like the flu, yaddayadda. Started feeling so sick on the fucking commute that he went to a doctor and got tested. Positive, of course. Required to quarantine. But fucking doesnā€™t isolate from wife and kids, which go to school.

Infuriating does not even cover it.

But I still want to try, whenever someone asks me about my opinion, to influence them. Starting with ā€œthis is a good questionā€ when itā€™s dumb as shit is at least worth a try. Last time I tried to explain someone that the mRNA vaccine will not ā€œalter their genesā€ (another coworker, BTW), I doubt I came through because I got impatient.


Fuck, how is that news IN NOVEMBER? We have evidence for this since very early on. AFAIR the Munich study already showed that!


True of almost all viral infections. Hell, the whole reason for an immune response is to kill the virus and decrease the load in your system, which inevitably decreases the number of particles you shed. Not rocket science, but it is science. and for way too many people these days that instantly makes it ā€œliberal.ā€ Got into a mask discussion the other day where the idiot was claiming that the pores in the mask were much larger than viral particles, so they could not possibly protect you. As soon as I mentioned electrostatic attraction and modifying air flow, he shut down. Accused me of ā€œjust making up big words because I couldnā€™t argue his points.ā€ I really hate people most days.


I think anger can be a useful tool, properly channeledā€¦ As Mr. Nancy/Anansi told usā€¦

People who claim to love science who then use their bully pulpit to devalue scienceā€¦ well. Special place in hell and all that.



Itā€™s not a party thing, itā€™s a Trump thing. In a few isolated instances, those are different. Very few, and getting fewer. There are other factors that make this comparison less than ideal, I would like to see a comparison of educational level for instance, but the biggest is the level of Trumpism evinced by the population and the politicians. Trumpism is the mind-killer. And currently, also the people-killer.


Interesting to see if they will listen to their own any better than to ā€œoutsiders.ā€ (I strongly suspect the answer is no, because it is not about Christianity, it is about Trumpism.)


According to this site, instruction spending per pupil is almost double in Vermont what it is in SD. $10,720 vs. $5,360.

I know thatā€™s not the same as education, but it speaks to the values of the populace, at least.


Video illustrating the spread of the virus in the US.


You could have at least started with "ā€œThatā€™s a really good pointā€¦ā€, you big meanie. /s

This response seems as perfect an example of the argument Anne Applebaum makes in Twilight of Democracy as one could hope for.


That was a really interesting articleā€“I would like to see a deeper comparison of the notions of ā€œconservatismā€ in both places that have lead to the differences in approaches. I donā€™t know much about Vermont, but I know in the Dakotas there is and has always been a cognitive dissonance between the myth of the rugged prairie individualist breaking the sod and settling the west (coupled with a disdain for big city folks) and the reality of a way of life that can only exist because it is heavily subsidized by urban economic activity. The number farmers on the plains who detest everything they think they know about big government and the welfare state, and vote accordingly, while growing corn to turn into ethanol explains a lot about whatā€™s going on now, I think.

Iā€™ve seen a big part of that play out in what Noem is sellingā€“these so-called experts may be fine for places like Chicago and New York City, but here in the Real America we know better.



By Josh Marshall

November 20, 2020 8:22 a.m.

Everyone pooh-poohed me when I suggested we call it Trumpvirus. Now you get this.

And of course, why would he want his name attached to something so unnecessary?


Much like Arlington National Cemetery being on Robert E Leeā€™s confiscated estate- Mar-a-lago should be turned into a resting place for poor Covid victims.


I think cognitive dissonance explains a lot of what is going on in many many places. But yes, especially in this case.


It absolutely should not and I know many librarians who are angry at being social workers, homeless outreach, mental health services, and helping vulnerable people with navigating services. Not that they donā€™t want to, but that they arenā€™t trained to or supported in doing this. Itā€™s along with teachers and lecturers having a burden of mental health support and even GardaĆ­ (police) being supposed to do out of hours drugs, mental health, social work which is absolutely beyond their actual skillset. Though I believe training is at last now offered after the complete cessation during the long recession.


Defund the police, FUND the librarians!!!


I love it: as it turns out, he has some large edifices in convenient locations all of the country to serve as above-ground tombs.

And now let us pause to consider that likely all of the properties combined would have difficulty housing all of his murder victims.