Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 2)

If I were president I would issue an executive order requiring librarians to log all time and resources spent supporting homeless, mental health sufferers, etc.

I would then pay them overtime and reimbursement directly out of their State’s Medicare funds, before releasing the funds to the States.


This MF has lost his mind. I can’t even play bid-related card games now, because we need another term for the suit that can beat any other suit. Hearing that name is enough to raise my blood pressure, so there’s no way I’ll go out of my way to associate it with something good. It’s just a synonym for greed and evil to me now.


Well, here is at least one piece of good news!!


Nobody could have predicted.

I wonder if he’s visited with dad?


Santa’s an immortal. He’ll be just fine.


I’m so fucking sick and tired of these Trumpists trying to take any credit for this vaccine work as if they were the ones in the labs making it a reality.

This whole “Operation Warp Speed” is basically the minimum I’d expect any president to do. It’s a taking emergency measures in a global emergency by providing money and logistical assistance to speed development and deployment. The bare minimum shouldn’t be anything laudable. Trump shouldn’t be getting any special credit here. “Yeah his continued fuck-ups and inaction killed a quarter of a million people and permanently injured tens of millions, and destroyed a booming economy - but at least he signed an executive order to help the private sector cut some corners on vaccines they were already working on anyway!”

Of course, if Obama was president I’m sure none of these people would be saying stuff like this (unless it was in a mocking tone).


Yep Rudy was there.

He’lol have to quarantine out of those lawsuits!

Rudy Giuliani’s son, Andrew, positive with COVID a day after attending news conference with father on election fraud claims


Especially since the first vaccines announced weren’t even part of the program put in place by the administration.


Rudy Giuliani dying of Covid after spending years publicly humiliating himself for Trump would be the most fitting end for his story arc imaginable.

I just hope that the last thing he hears is Trump trash-talking him on TV for his terrible performance as a spokesperson and litigator.


I think you’re over-generous here, but otherwise, yes.


Yeah, this is definitely giving Trump way too much credit as it is.


While I obviously agree they are in the queue for the funds after you defund your police and military with many branches of mental healt support, housing rights, social workers, addiction services etc. We believe we offer great services (that’s a stretch for me, I’m not a public librarian though we do many of the things above too. Sometimes discretely shall we say) what we see tells us that the world is crying out for spaces where people can get help that isn’t law/sutveiled/popo/stigmatised.


This verges on treason, though. Taking active measures to decapitate the US military seems like a kinda bad thing…


Positive- Trump’s administration is riddled with the ‘Rona.


Fortunately Biden/Harris just beat Trump handily so there is that!


And in another shocking development

This stuff infuriates me. Damn it.

ETA: If the base story is not sufficiently infuriating, there is this epilog:

"With passengers and crew of SeaDream I now off-ship and scattered, it may be difficult to tell if additional cases will develop. Sue Bryant, who writes for Cruise Critic and was aboard the ill-fated liner, wrote in a post that crew members said that some infected passengers did not go to an isolation center in the Barbados as expected. A group of six people traveling together—which included the first person who became ill as well as four other infected people—"had returned home to the US by private jet, five of them having tested positive.”




Tried that. I’m exhausted by channeling that into something. I wrote and talked to my Personalrat (suggested English translation staff advisors doesn’t cut the mustard, FTR), I phoned friends iand family, I tried to debunk myths in my surrounding, I started shouting at my boss because our institute’s director still doesn’t get it and messes up communication and I fucking lost my patience.

I really find it hard to channel my aggression, coming from that burning anger about ignorance and stupidity, very much prominently displayed by, e.g. Musk or Stefan Homburg.

What I strive to do is channeling it in a more effective way. I need to find a way around the block e.g. our director appears to have. (She’s not an idiot, and not in denial about the pandemic or science. She just doesn’t get the priorities right and made factually wrong choices.)
If this tactics of appealing to vanity and then offering corrections and further OTR dialogue works, fuck I’m gonna take that road.
And if fucking Musk did retweet this, it was fucking worth it right now.

I’m all for a kicking, but in later. When we are a bit out of the woods. And I will try to not take arrival in clearing as being out of the woods.

Oh, and if it does not work, I’ll probably snap at some of point.


mentor? counselor? representative? It’s a tough one.


I’m thinking Costco is going to be a little busier this weekend… guess we stretch it back to two weeks between shopping trips.

Am I disappointed? Yes. Surprised? No.

Schools remain open… :thinking: …same answers apply…

After two months standing around, fiddling the policies, misunderstanding the science and generally staring at the dropped ball, our Premier Doug Ford has decided to take decisive action.