Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 2)

But government action is COMMUNISM!!! That’s worse than checks notes one person dying every minute from Covid! /S

Frustrating to say the least.


In view of their use during the COVID-19 pandemic, EMA had reminded healthcare professionals of the risks of these medicines in April and in May 2020. It is already known that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, even used in approved doses for authorised indications, can cause a wide spectrum of psychiatric disorders. Psychotic disorders and suicidal behaviour are listed in the product information of some chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine-containing medicines as rare side effects or side effects occurring at an unknown frequency.

The review confirmed that psychiatric disorders have occurred and may sometimes be serious, both in patients with and without prior mental health problems. Based on the available data, the review showed that, for hydroxychloroquine, the side effects may occur in the first month after the start of treatment. For chloroquine, there was not sufficient data to establish a clear timeframe.


Friend of mine is a clinical oncologist. Said that if they had it in their ward, all patients would be dead.

They are specialised in treatment of pancreatic cancer, so they are fighting a loosing battle at the best of time.

They’ve got 50 patients in their ward.
Thankfully, so far, they have had transmissions only among staff. But it is only a matter of time, she said.


I was surprised to enter a business the other day that was still wiping down the countertops after every use.


Old news, preprint went online in June. However, it’s more than just interesting.
ETA: since not properly oneboxing:
Press release to Meinhardt J et al., Olfactory transmucosal SARS-CoV-2 invasion as port of central nervous system entry in individuals with COVID-19. Nat Neurosci 2020. doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-00758-5

Gist: SARS-CoV-2 might infect our brains via our nose. And they got pictures of it, too.


She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son…


Millions of Americans Expect to Lose Their Homes as Covid Rages

Millions of Americans expect to face eviction by the end of this year, adding to the suffering inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic raging across the U.S.

About 5.8 million adults say they are somewhat to very likely to face eviction or foreclosure in the next two months, according to a survey completed Nov. 9 by the U.S. Census Bureau. That accounts for a third of the 17.8 million adults in households that are behind on rent or mortgage payments.


We must kill them instead to save our beautiful economy.


We go to the farm store at Cal Poly Ponoma every couple of weeks for produce. They are meticulous about wiping down the counter after each transaction and everyone in the store is masked. The college kids who run the store are serious about keeping people safe.


I heard that one of the indexes hit 30,000… a mystical number. Worth losing 270,000 Americans! /s


Easy math, 1 point in the Dow > 10 American lives.




Bonus Points Question: Using Friedman’s Stick formulas, compute the Dow equivalencies for: A) a European, B) a non-white European, C) an Arab who doesn’t love Jesus, D) an African.

If a value is not computable, demonstrate how.


Well, considering that, in essence, the brain interacts directly with inspired air through the cribiform plate, that isn’t shocking, but proving it actually happens is a little terrifying.


Okay, sorry about that last thread. Some levity!


Dr. Nichols is made of sterner stuff than me. I wish him and his ER crew all the luck in the world.

His story contains a helluva gut punch to HCWs who are just trying to do their job.

As we got him over to the gurney and his shirt off to switch a hospital gown, we all noticed the number of Nazi tattoos. 1/

He was solidly built. Older. His methamphetamine use over the years had taken its usual toll and his teeth were all but gone.

The swastika stood out boldly on his chest. SS tattoos and other insignia that had previously been covered by his shirt were now obvious to the room. 2/

“Don’t let me die, doc.” He said breathlessly as the RT switched him over from CPAP by EMS to our mask and machine.

I reassured him that we were all going to work hard to take care of him and keep him alive as best as we could. 3/

All of us being a team that included a Jewish physician, a Black nurse, and an Asian respiratory therapist.

We all saw. The symbols of hate on his body outwardly and proudly announced his views. We all knew what he thought of us. How he valued our lives. 4/

Yet here we were, working seamlessly as a team to make sure we gave him the best chance to survive that we could. All while wearing masks, gowns, face shields, gloves. The moment perfectly captured what we are going though as healthcare workers as this pandemic accelerates. 5/


maybe those headline writers need a new phrase. at least for the next year or two…