Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 3)

In answer to a question I get often, Ars does a deep dive into vax vs infection generated immunity:


Yuck. CEUs are one of the biggest scams in a lot of professions. If there’s no administering body able to adequately vet and track “qualified” CEUs the whole thing seems to turn into a money grab.


Well, yeah. You have to draw a line somewhere, and that’s always going to be at least somewhat arbitrary.

Oh brother. Why is no one asking exactly where in the Bible does it preclude them getting vaccinated?

In their lawsuit, the athletes, who play soccer, basketball and four other sports, say they are “devoted Christian people” who believe that the Bible and their faith preclude them from getting a COVID-19 shot.


AFAIK, all the major mainstream Christian churches (and a good number of the smaller and/or more unusual ones) fully support getting the vaccines. These people are either religious loons, or non-religious loons cynically using religious excemptions to get away with not getting the vaccine.

I expect the delta variant will not let them get away with it, though.


Even the Christian Scientists have officially stated that they’re not going to stop anyone getting a vaccination, and that if you don’t, then you owe it to society to isolate and mask up and generally “obey quarantines, and strive to cooperate with measures considered necessary by public health officials. We see this as a matter of basic Golden Rule ethics and New Testament love.”

If the Christian Scientists are saying that, nobody else has a leg to stand on.

Not, of course, that that will stop them.


Today, Tokyo Prefecture had only 82 new cases of COVID-19. The last time a Saturday was only double digits was June…of 2020!


A family member has a good friend in the ICU, and the prognosis is bad. He wasn’t vaccinated but she’s not angry about that just incredibly sad. Now she vaccinated as soon as she could and has taken Covid seriously from the start and even then she had a breakthrough case of the delta variant.

The kicker is she is evangelical and has to lead a prayer service outside the hospital. She runs a small business with kids and teens. These people she has to lead in prayer have made her life hell with their refusals to wear masks or vaccinate. She has no idea what to say.

My spouse’s and I’s first suggestion:

“God grant strength to our doctors, nurses, and public health care workers to continue fighting this pandemic”

was deemed too subtle.

Our cousin preferred this one:

“O Lord, smite these microchips, protect our DNA, and keep our loins fertile, so that only the true good of the vaccine can do thy will”


I hate to say bad things about people who are suffering, and I hope your family member and her friend come out OK, but I can think of nothing more than these people meeting God and complaining “Why didn’t you save us?”

“I tried, how I tried! I sent masks, I sent lockdowns, I sent doctors and nurses and virologists, I sent four different vaccines…”


Vaccine mix and match and the longer delay between doses is effective. There’s a lot in the article to digest.

Dr. Danuta Skowronski, a vaccine effectiveness expert and epidemiology lead at the BCCDC whose research laid the groundwork for the decision to hold back second doses based on the “fundamental principles of vaccinology,” says the early data is extremely encouraging.


Yes, there’s been a lot of emerging evidence supporting that. So it’s frustrating how strictly they’re continuing to enforce the 3-week spacing for Pfizer. In the case of the trial for the kids under 12, a lot of experts are disappointed that they didn’t even investigate whether spacing out the second dose reduces myocarditis risk. It would have been a simple thing to try.


Lazy courts. If they bothered to look back to when epidemics were common, they’d probably find precedents for anything short of boarding up buildings and setting fire to them, still occupied.


“I don’t want to be a hero.” So say we all. It would be great to just be able to do our jobs, wouldn’t it?


Candace Cameron What’s Her Name posted this nonsense on her Instagram. She’s not anti vax, she’s pro this stuff but apparently only in regards to vaccines and not other healthcare matters.

This is not about what I am against. This is what I am FOR. Read and understand the distinction ???. This mama is holding the line and standing up for freedom. -This should not separate us. We can have different opinions and still respect and love one another. Be bigger than that!

“pro-medical freedom”
“pro-informed consent”
“pro-immune system”
“pro-early intervention”
“pro-sunlight, exercise, real food, and vitamins”