Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 3)

I just listened to an NPR story that also failed to mention the Multiple Myeloma.

They did focus a lot on him selling the Iraq war, and, as rough as it may be that that’s one of the main things he’ll be remembered for, that’s ok with me. That debacle needs to be a permanent stain on the legacy of all the enablers, even the ones who may have been decent or accomplished people in other aspects of their public service careers.


Center Acadamy is the same school that threatened to fire any teachers who got vaxxed also, is it not? Bunch of brainless assholes.


I like to think they wanted to call themselves Center Academy.


The Broken Brain School.


That’s gotta be a cult, right? Nothing good ever comes from anything with “The Brain” in its title unless immediately preceded by “Pinky and.”


Orac is must read for all things woo. He is devastating in his take-downs.


they’re not allowed to use duct tape anymore


Sounds like some pretty lackluster policy all around. But I couldn’t tell from the article, are they enforcing any kind of mask mandates or doing anything related to ventilation? If they’re doing all that and still getting breakouts like this, that’s scary. And depressing.


Powell’s whole career was based on being a reliable company man who would look the other way (at best) at all kinds of shady shit perpetrated by the neocon wing of the Republican Party, from the My Lai massacre (which Powell was still still lying about in his memoirs) to being “the chief administration advocate” for the Contras in Nicaragua

Endorsing Obama in 2008 is not enough to make him a good guy


No. Primary school don’t have masks (up to 11) secondary have both masks and vaccination.

They put no HEPA filters/forced extraction in the classrooms.

The ironic part is that all the older schools are built with windows facing out, doors onto a corridor with windows and high long windows to open up between to allow cross ventilation. But they would have been blocked up for heating purposes in the 80s. Also population is about 150% of then so most schools are pretty new and with no air con (it’s not a thing here, heating is pretty new!)

They do have CO2 monitors but that is inadequate. It’s just a proxy. And I have had severe disagreements with building managers in education recently as what constitutes a safe buildup of CO2. They seem to be operating off the numbers for CO2 itself rather than it being s proxy for aerosols. So it’s a policy failure at the level of central government which has failed to grasp that it’s an airborne SARS pandemic (the most generous time to say this is an acceptable approach is early June 2020 so it’s unforgivable now). And also in their decision to cease treating children in schools as close contacts. It ripped through the school and infected over one tenth of the children and we don’t know how many parents. This is just a decision that as we are at 75% of the entire population vaccinated its over. And it’s not as we see. Hospitalisations are up, ICU usage is up, both steadily rising and the system is jolting along to another slow motion crisis.

I guess if they open vaccination to 5 to 11 yr olds and deliver the third shot to immunocompromised Covid itself won’t kill huge numbers but neoliberalism and the long recession have hollowed out the health system so…


And the part about not treating siblings of infected kids as close contacts seemed particularly…I doubt it was ignorant, makes me think there’s an ulterior motive.


Landlord class rule. Get the peons out working. Protect the real estate value.

Don’t think it’s much deeper than that.


This guy seems like an all around ass.


Not defending whatever that school district is or isn’t doing, but it isn’t always possible to add HEPA filters to existing HVAC equipment. HEPA filters have a big pressure drop and most existing fans can’t handle it. As for CO2 sensors, they are commonly used to increase the outdoor air coming into the system. Outdoor air has to be tempered and the moisture removed. Unless your system is designed to handle the increased load, the a/c or heat cannot keep up. Around here, the CO2 sensor starts modulating the outdoor air damper open when it reads 900 ppm in the breathing zone. Increasing the outdoor air will lower the CO2 if the system can keep up. The alternate is less kids in the room.


Guys like that piss me off. So I spent some time on his page.

My site might not rank high, but it ranks wide, with many listings across the bottom of Google but above the mud, and where the search is shallow, it’s right there. (It’s always a fun jolt when I’m searching for something and my site is on the 1st or 2nd page of results.)


I’m not going to laugh, because this fucker is definitely spreading it around.


“I am simply displaying the courage of my stupid, stupid convictions.”