Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 3)

Apart from the clever headline, I’m struck by the fact that investors are worried that they can’t maintain the money machine that the pandemic caused. Really? What do they want? Another pandemic event?

Greed does weird things to people (corporations).


Same in the Philly area, and businesses are putting up signs that masks aren’t required for vaccinated people. Since they don’t ask for proof, I’ll keep masking until the news reports show fewer outbreaks and medical experts stop warning about variants.


I wouldn’t be surprised if marketing starts leaning into FUD. That approach is working among GQP supporters and others who have gone down the conspiracy theory path. If they can convince consumers that the current pandemic is the tip of the iceberg, sales might improve. Weren’t experts predicting we’d start to see COVID like the 'flu in the future? :woman_shrugging:t4:


In the last couple weeks I have had 3 non-binary teens seen in the ED for suicidal thoughts or attempts, only for them to be discharged and told to “follow up with their pediatrician to get help.” Being said pediatrician, :exploding_head: . I have some resources that I can access, but far more limited than the larger institutions that dump these cases. So we do what we can, but the system is flat busted. We have added another therapist at my office, now totaling 3, which is 3 more than any other pediatric office in the area, and have over 185 patients on the waiting list. I am rapidly running out of answers.


Me, too, so I just bring my mask everywhere and wear it as soon as the situation looks remotely sketchy.


Second shot this Saturday, 1pm, Pfizer!

My monitor alerted me that the local arena was no longer showing fully booked, so I jumped onto the page and grabbed a spot. (And no, I don’t feel the slightest guilt in using a tool to keep watch for me.)

The pharmacy site didn’t take reservations, and the provincial site was suggesting places up to 32 km away.


Happy Joy GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants


Good luck! The second Pfizer shot was quite the ride for me.


This will only be my first Pfizer shot, so I’ll see how well it settles on top of the AZ one.

Mom’s still feeling it from her 2nd on Tuesday.


More details emerge:


Same here.

Though fully vaccinated, I’m still wearing a mask out in public until infection rates have dwindled down.


Me three.


Mama didn’t raise no fools…


Me four!

It appeared to be roughly 65/35 (mask/unmasked) in the grocery store today. It also helps that the county has strongly advised continual wearing of masks indoors. I’m following their advice.:wink:




Same. I don’t know what numbers will make me feel comfortable going maskless, but I sure as hell know it ain’t where we are.


Same here!

A week or so ago, I had somebody working a store tell me, “you know, you don’t have to wear your mask any more.” I replied, “I know, but better safe than sorry,” and kept it on. With the delta variant on the loose, I have no intention of taking any chances, despite being all vaxxed up.


Same here. I don’t go out much, but when I do, it’s mask for me!

What are the chances this pandemic will make wearing a mask at reasonable times (flu season, when sick, when going to hospital, etc.), as is common in some Asian countries? Probably depends a lot on where you live.


A beautiful thread, well worth reading (no, really):

Okay, so I’ve had to say this to at least three separate people in the last 24 hours; I’m thinking maybe some of you might need to hear it as well, my beloveds.

We are in the second year of a worldwide pandemic and have largely been betrayed by our governments. The earth itself is frying. Rich people and their corporations are squeezing us, intent on murderous profit.

The problem is not YOU, my beloved.

Try to consider that the problem might be that you’re trying to deal with things we should never have to face. Try to consider that all in all, we’re doing pretty well, considering what we’re dealing with.

The inability to focus, the protests of our bodies pushed past human limits by the stress of pandemic, fascism, governmental malpractice and corporate malfeasance? Might not be your personal fault, you know.

Listen to me and do not despair.

You—and your precious, perishable human body—are both doing the best you can.

Just consider that maybe, MAYBE, you’re not the problem. I know we tend to take on responsibility, I know we’ve been trained into that by the toxic weight of late-stage capitalism.

Maybe consider that the world is a bit mad, and your reaction is entirely reasonable.

Look at all the other people struggling and suffering around you. It doesn’t have to be like this, but some predatory, greedy assholes have decided it suits them for it to be.

Maybe, just maybe, YOU…

Again, I’ve had to say this to more than one person in the past 24hrs. So if you need to hear it, here it is: Maybe YOU’RE not the problem. Maybe what you’re feeling is an entirely reasonable reaction to an unreasonable situation.

The pandemic isn’t over, despite what corporate profitmongers want us to believe. The authoritarians are busily working to oppress whoever and however they can. The earth is cooking under the assault of corporate greed.

Maybe, just MAYBE it isn’t you, my darling one.

Just…try to consider that, and maybe try to cut yourself a little slack. Try to frame it as “I’m dealing with an overwhelming situation” instead of “I should superhumanly and singlehandedly solve these endemic and worldwide problems.”

Yes, I know some toxic people will take this thread as a shield and a permission. Fine. Fuck ‘em, karma will handle it.

If even one person who’s struggling hears this and considers that maybe they’re not the problem, it’s still a net good.

Try to imagine for a moment that maybe you’re doing the best you can and the world right now is too heavy a weight for any of us to lift alone.

And please, be comforted.

Yoko Ogawa said it much better than I ever could: “Your heart is doing everything it can, to preserve its existence.”

Give yourself the bare minimum you would give your most beloved friend right now. Please.

Or, as my now-lost soulmate once told me during a drunken night on Yesler Avenue many a year ago: “Shit’s crazy, babe. We gotta hold onto each other.”

Just…try to make room in yourself for the thought that maybe you and your body are both doing the best you can, and the world right now is a bit much for any one person to handle.

Maybe, just maybe, you’re having a sane reaction to an entirely un-fucking-reasonable situation.

It’s worth considering.